Worldo, the Path to Change!

29 April 2021

Worldo, the Path to Change!

Worldo, the Path to Change!

What happens when you bring together a young, ambitious team with the desire to create a positive impact around them? Change becomes more accessible. The application that combines technology with sustainability has arrived! In partnership with STAR Junior Enterprise, Forall Phones announces the launch of App Worldo.

Worldo is an innovative application for Android and iOS that arises with the objective of facilitating access, awareness and implementation of the UN sustainable development goals (SDGs) in the local community of each user. Here's everything there is to know about this new project that promises to make people talk:

Who are we?

Worldo arises from a partnership between Forall Phones - market leader in refurbished technology, focused on social and environmental responsibility, and STAR Junior Enterprise - a Junior Enterprise formed by students from the University of Beira Interior, focusing on the areas of web development and mobile applications. Working at Worldo is a young team of true changemakers - made up of Forall Family Shapers (Forall Phones ambassador program) and UBI university students.

?The Worldo team represents the desire of young people to do more for society and to leave their comfort zone. It is a great pride to be part of this team of university students from all over the country and create something unique.?

Pedro Silva, World Board Member
STAR Junior Enterprise

What are your motivations and objectives?

More than the need for change, this project reflects the will and hope of those who believe in a better future. Worldo comes up with the objective of implementing new habits in users' daily lives, in order to achieve a more sustainable society and environment globally. Through sharing and promoting practical and accessible activities, each person's role as an agent of change and sustainability is enhanced.

?Worldo appears with very clear objectives regarding its vision and ambition for the future of our planet. The awareness of all citizens about the three aspects of sustainability, in its holistic vision and in the active and essential role of each and every citizen to make our present and the future of the next generations a sufficient and prosperous reality.?< /strong>

Vítor Nóbrega, Worldo Board Member
Alumni Forall Family

Who do we have with us?

In the initial phase, Worldo counts on the collaboration of organizations and entities with an interest in its areas of activity. Because together we go further and this is an application by people and for people. The first partnership signed was with APDES - Agência Piaget para o Desenvolvimento, a non-profit NGDO (Non-Governmental Organization for Development) that promotes integrated development. At the moment, it also has the collaboration of several important names in the area of ??sustainability, namely: Filipa Carlos - Strategy, Business, Environment, Energy and Sustainability Consultant at Researcher, Pedro Lago - Director of Circular Economy and Sustainability projects at SONAE and André Maciel - founder of Hortas Lx. For anyone interested in contributing to articles related to Sustainable Development, the opportunity is also open.

?The project currently has some content partners, who from the first moment showed interest and an incredible spirit of collaboration. Essentially through the writing of articles on various topics, Worldo has both Individual Partners and Non-Governmental Organizations, whose activity is also oriented towards Sustainable Development. It is with these partnerships that weintend to enrich the application content and improve the user experience!?

Rafael Carreiro, World Board Member
Forall Family

What are the values?

Commitment, innovation and responsibility are fundamental values ??for success of this project. It is crucial that there is strong involvement not only of the responsible team but also of users. Above all, people with sustainable values ??and who know how to take advantage of the tools provided to them as agents are expected from the Worldo community. of change. We are open minds with our eyes set on the future and we believe that this is a path that is made up of people, ideas and initiatives.

?Working at Worldo was definitely a matter of being dynamic and creative without losing the sense of reality. Reconciling everything into such a comprehensive theme that allows for so many insights is certainly one of the main added values ??to the project.?

Omori João Victor, Worldo Content Creator
Forall Family

What are the features?

In terms of features, for an initial phase, Worldo could not be more complete. The application provides users with:

- Article Feed in which you can access exclusive texts from bloggers and organizations on numerous current topics.

- Calendar with events linked to sustainability, taking place throughout the year; also giving the possibility of following news and initiatives promoted by partner organizations.

- Share Share Feed where interaction between users takes place, namely through the sharing of opinions and sustainable content.

- SDG page that has a brief explanation of the objectives, accompanied by suggestions for practices through which it is possible to contribute to their achievement.< /p>

- Social Network where it is possible to share news, photos and facts among the community. In this way, learning and sharing of knowledge is promoted.

?We chose these features because they are exactly what this type of application requires. A place to share knowledge, challenges and sustainable practices, and, finally, the experiences and achievements of each user of the Worldo community.?

David Lourenço, Worldo App Developer
STAR Junior Enterprise

What are the prospects for the future?

With a long way to go, the future is expected to be one of progress and many surprises. Both in terms of content and functionalities, Worldo's commitment is to continue innovating and creating. Improvements to the application are anticipated: the introduction of a gamification system, the improvement of the social network aspect through upgrades in the interaction between users and, also, the creation of company accounts - as a way ofcreating involvement between organizations and the issue of sustainability.

?With committed people and the desire to do more and better behind this project, I believe that the future of the app will involve continuous improvement of content and functionalitiesand, progressively, for making the ideas we have been having tangible.?

Helena Costa, Worldo Content Creator
Forall Family

Worldo counters the current trend of empty and superficial content, paving the way for change. Now, through the smartphone, everyone can be Changemakers. This is the opportunity for those who like to communicate, learn and share. Available at App Store and Google Play.

Author: Inês Ponciano

Reviewed by: André Castro

About the Author:

I joined the Forall Family as Shaper in March 2020. Since then I have been involved in different projects that have allowed me to develop new skills. In September of the same year I joined the Worldo project, as a member of the Marketing & Social Media. I love communicating and exploring topics related to Sustainability.

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