This is Your Time - Make Yourself Proud!

12 March 2019

This is Your Time - Make Yourself Proud!

This is Your Time - Make Yourself Proud!

Welcome to Forall Station!

This is Forall Phones. And you? You can be whoever you want. Do you want to plant a tree? Plant it! Do you want to go to a rock concert dressed in floral motifs? Go! Do you want to be an Instagrammer? Buy an iPhone!! span>

We are Forall and we stand for a future where we are treated as individual people, while saving the future for others. A future where we feel like the best version of ourselves - human beings rather than resources. Where we can feel free, but also connected. Where we celebrate our differences and act ethically and conscientiously. The kind of future that takes the human race forward.


These are the misfits, they don't conform. You can't ignore them because they change the rules with their courage.


These are people who think differently, feel differently and behave differently. These are the people who do not fit into the norms of the system. They challenge the rules, change paradigms and the status quo.


These are the people who care about the truly important things. Live a full life with less.


These are the people who are fundamentally good, selfless, and who find happiness in the happiness of others.


These are the people who feel a responsibility to achieve a better, more sustainable future for everyone.

Join this movement! Follow us on social media and find out who you are:

? Facebook Forall Phones:
? Instagram Forall Phones:
? YouTube Forall Phones:

Don't forget to share your ? best photos and use the corresponding hashtag, as well as #forallmoments. We're counting on you to change the rules of the game!

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