The App That Will Save Lives This Summer

05 March 2019

The App That Will Save Lives This Summer

The App That Will Save Lives This Summer
And in this sense, I come here to tell you that yes, it can depend!

On June 25, 2018, in another post (if you haven't seen it, go here! ?- The Portuguese forests, the candle that no one knows how to blow) we presented that, as a company accredited by the Institute for the Conservation of Nature and Forests (ICNF), we planted 2000 trees in Leiria. Forall Phones is one example but there are many others. Today, I bring you another example of success in this fight, in terms of prevention and, above all, preparation of the population in risk areas. is the application that you need to have on your smartphone to ensure your safety. It can be downloaded for free or you can simply type its name in your search engine and be taken directly to the application. And why is it an incredible advance in this area? Because, from this virtual wonder, you can obtain the precise location of the fires, their status in real time and also receive notifications if there is a fire in your district or any other occurrence in Portuguese territory.

Created in 2015, a year before the site, by João Pina, is available to Android and IOS and allows you to monitor the evolution of fires, the means used (human, ground and air), the start date and their status , accompanied by a caption (e.g., "significant occurrence"). The data is all collected from the Civil Protection website and is updated every 10 minutes.

Its use is facilitated by the possibility of applying filters that direct searches to the desired area of ??the country. Registration is required to create your account. Next, a map of the country is shown with the various occurrences and you are ready to follow the development of all the fires in our territory

With an appealing design but still intuitive and easy to use, this application can be a great ally to have on your smartphone, regardless of the area of ??the country where you are located .

It is essential to get to work. It is essential to contribute. Great achievements are born from small ideas that no one else thought of putting into practice! And you, what is your contribution this summer? Act!

Go green or go home!

Raquel Fernandes

( 1) According to ICFN data, in 2017
Image: q:incendios+images,online_chips:pedrogao+grande&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwimsL2iiJfcAhXLA8AKHerYDDsQ4lYILigH&biw=1366&bih=635&dpr=1#imgrc=uVSwYsLtCS7D9M:

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