New Year, New Readings

05 March 2019

New Year, New Readings

New Year, New Readings

Another year!

Do you also feel that feeling that just yesterday you were entering a school for the first time? Learning to write a sentence for the first time?

Time flies by? And so that we don't get lost in it, it's very important to stay focused on what really matters . Therefore, today I bring 3books that will certainly inspire you for future achievements:


By Walter Isaacson

In this biography, the author explains the path that Steve Jobs (and his partner Steve Wozniak) followed until the creation of the largest technological multinational in the world: Apple.

I particularly like this book because of the exceptional way in which the author, following interviews he had with the protagonists themselves, exposes the truth, naked and raw, of the conflicts and serious mistakes of those who are the most powerful CEOs in history, and how these mistakes could have ruined a business that is now worth 1 trillion dollars.

A good option to discover much of the work that went behind the creation of Apple and understand the rigor and persistence that go into in its nature.


By Peter Thiel

Peter Thiel, co-founder of Paypal, describes in this book his idea of ???success? and how he thinks it can be achieved: creating a new business idea (going from 0 to 1) and not ?copying? other existing million-dollar businesses (going from 1 to n). Thus, according to the author, it will be possible to create a simplified form of monopoly, in which competition is stifled by its power.

I found it to be a very educational book for someone who wants to start or even improve their business strategy, despite some ideas given by the author seem impossible to put into practice (but you never know!).


By Clayton M. Christensen

Clayton, professor at Harvard University, reveals in this book something that many entrepreneurs only realize when it is too late: the importance time spent outside of work.

According to the author, spending time with family, friends, etc., is one of the keys to personal success. The problem is that the effect of these relationships is only visible in the long term and, therefore, the vast majority of entrepreneurs make the mistake of not investing in them.

A different, but also very important, in my point of view, approach to what building a career should be successful.

Beautiful examples for the 2019 reading list, don't you think?

Improve every day. Create impact

Daniela Cardoso

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