Most Prized Features and Resources in Smartphones by Generation Y

05 March 2019

Most Prized Features and Resources in Smartphones by Generation Y

Most Prized Features and Resources in Smartphones by Generation Y

An online survey carried out by Forall Phones aimed to investigate the consumption of smartphones by Millennials in Portugal.< /p>

When asked about the features they most value in a smartphone,of the 380 participants, 91% responded ?Making calls and messages?, 86% ?Accessing social networks? and 80% indicated ?Taking photos /make videos.?

The alarm functionality and viewing of emails were also highly selected options, voted by more than half of the individuals surveyed.

?Orientation through maps? and ?Check the weather? were functions that took precedence over options such as ?Watch films/series?, chosen by only 81 of the respondents.

Analyzing this data, it is possible to determine that the Top 5 of most valued functions on a smartphone is a combination of the most basic functionalities of a cell phone (such as making calls and messages , taking photos/videos and the alarm) and the advancement of technology (such as access to social networks and viewing emails).

Regarding the most important features in a smartphone for generation Y, the most voted option was ?Internet access?, winning 85% of the votes. This choice ends up justifying that ?Access Social Networks? was one of the features most valued by respondents, as we have just seen.

?Battery life? comes in second place on the list of most valued features in a smartphone,having been chosen by 74% of voters.

Another of the essential features in a smartphones, in the opinion of those surveyed, is the ?Camera quality?, an option chosen by 258 of them, which also explains the fact that ?Taking photos/making videos? were one of the functions most chosen by participants in this study.

These two data combined also elucidate the fact that the two apps most used by this generation are Instagram and Facebook, as we saw in the article The most used apps by the Millennial generation.< /strong>

Factors such as ?Its aesthetics? demonstrated less influence when purchasing a smartphone and ?Sound quality? is even the least valued feature in a smartphone, chosen by only 30% of respondents.

The data from this study confirmed the thesis that Millennials are the Internet generation, whose basic characteristic is the use of technology devices, such as smartphones. p>

Your demands in terms of the functionalities and resources of these devices have strongly impacted not only your consumption habits, but also the way in which technology is produced to adapt to your needs.

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