Let's Talk About Sharing...

05 March 2019

Let's Talk About Sharing...

Let's Talk About Sharing...

«There is nothing more intelligent in human beings than the exercise of sharing.»< /span>

Wilton Júnior

What do you think when you hear about ?sharing?? What do you feel about ?sharing??

The word ?share? can take on many meanings: put in common, share, give, communicate, donate,? But it always reveals an act of sensitivity, of attention.

Share with family, share with friends, share at work, share on social media, share in the building, share on the street , share with a stranger. This is a communication challenge. It is a responsibility. It's about doing it well.

  1. Share on social media

There is no social network that does not allow us to ?share?, it is as if that button were a user requirement or do part of the formula for success.

Let's look at the case of Facebook. The button says ?share?, then the person shares it and writes ?I stole?. We see a funny image or read a phrase that we identify with and we announce ?I?m going to steal?.

Is the word ?share? a difficult word? Why don't we associate sharing a post with what it actually is: sharing? Something good and with power.

  1. Share knowledge

We have all heard the famous phrase ?the secret is the soul of the business?. I have to disagree, sharing is what makes a business grow.

It's the old story about oranges. If you exchange an orange for an orange with someone, each person gets an orange. But if they exchange an idea for an idea, each person ends up with two ideas. As a bonus, they can add value to each other's ideas!

Imagine an organization in which only one person has knowledge about a subject or how something works? There is always that fear of becoming replaceable, of someone else knowing as much as I do. But only those who are replaceable can be promoted. If I'm an expertin some task, why not teach what I know?

  1. Share what we have

Sharing material goods is perhaps the most intuitive type of sharing. We can share in the sense of using something at the same time; we can share in the sense of lending something for a while; we can share in the sense of giving, forever.

Here I want to focus on ?giving?. Or ?donate?. Clothes, shoes, blankets, food, hygiene products, or even a cell phone (are you familiar with our initiative Ecophone?).

You can take the opportunity to make a selection of clothes from your closet, hand over a scarf or blanket that you don't need or contribute for the collection that will take place next weekend in supermarkets. However, seeing this type of ?sharing? as the simple action of giving alms is extremely reductive, this is important, yes, but it can be more than that. As long as we want.

  1. Share time

One ??of the most beautiful things you can share is time. What a gem! Sharing time with family, with friends, with someone who is sick, with someone who is sad, with someone who is very happy,? Even if we have heard that story dozens of times, even if we have no answer or solution: sharing the time, never waste time.

I've already talked about volunteering a few times, and I'll do it again. It's another good way to share time.

Given the season that is approaching, you can even take a chance on volunteering that takes you out of the comfort of your habits, out of the hot from your home.

  1. Share life

The idea is simple. If you are healthy, donate your blood!

There are 450 milliliters of blood, less than 10% of the 5/6 liters that circulate in our body. At most, it will only be 3 (women) or 4 (men) times a year. You don't need to make an appointment, just show up. For those of us who give, it is a matter of more or less 30 minutes. For whoever will receive our blood, it could be a matter of nothing less than a lifetime.

Donating blood is saving lives. It's sharing something that I need to live, so that someone else can live too. Therefore, give life.

Think social, change the rules!

Rafaela de Melo

Photography: André Gomes


About Me


Hello! My name is Rafaela, I'm 22 years old, I have a degree in Social Work and I'm doing a master's degree in Social Economics.

What I like most is communicating and learning, which leads me to get involved in projects in the most diverse areas: that's why I'm at Forall Phones!

I have been a community shaper since May 2018 and in June I joined the Blog Team, being responsible for the Forall Social theme.

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