
05 March 2019



The adventure of the year is back! An Android user switches to iPhone for 2 weeks, using it as a day-to-day cell phone. You can read the first part here!

Hey Siri

Another feature that was new to me was the presence of a virtual assistant in my pocket. It's true, I was finally able to have a tête-à-tête with Siri, Apple's personal assistant that uses natural language processing to answer questions, make recommendations, and perform actions. I must admit that the first thing I said to Siri was ?Ok Google?, because I already knew that her answer would be caricatured. In my case, I got a sarcastic ?Mvery funny? back. Thanks Siri, everyone says the same. And the truth is that Siri ends up being quite useful, whether we want to know if it will rain tomorrow, or whether we are too lazy to write a message and end up asking her to do so. In the field of virtual assistants, Android offers Google Assistant in more recent models, which, according to reviews, is also an excellent feature even when compared to Siri. 100 points for both systems.

About performance

As expected, the iPhone's gaming performance remains impeccable, running considerably heavy games fluidly, without choking and maintaining fascinating graphics, complemented by the immersive audio that the iPhone 7 Plus provides, through its two stereo sound outputs, top and bottom, resulting in clean, loud and dynamic sound.

The battery

Another very important factor in a cell phone is the battery and the time of use between charges that it offers us. The truth is that it is difficult to make a direct comparison between Android and Apple in this field, since there is no hardware in common between the two systems, something that greatly influences this factor. However, we can point to the fact that iOS has greater and better optimization at this level since it is designed and created for a dozen models, while Android serves thousands of different devices. So, I can only say that I was satisfied with the iPhone when it comes to the battery, with a complete charge cycle lasting an average of 8 hours, with medium-intensive use.

About security

Let us now move on to a serious and important subject ? security. I must confess that when using the iPhone I felt that my information and data were better protected than when using Android. The truth is that Apple is known for the strong security it provides in its cell phones and its reputation in this field has always been glorious. This is because the brand has a rigorous approach to keeping its ecosystem secure, ensuring full control over what applications and services do on its platform. In comparison, the Android system is much more vulnerable, for example, when it comes to the existence of applications with trojan horses < /i>(malicious programs that act as in the story of the Trojan Horse, entering the device in the form of something apparently simple and common, and creating a door to a possible hacker invasion and evasion of personal information).

To summarize, the iPhone 7 Plus proved to be a reliable, complete, fast and well-equipped cell phone in relation to features innovative and, by the way, quite useful. As highlights, I highlight your camera, which completely exceeded my expectations, providing absolutely fascinating photographic records. Its fluidity and speed enabled multi-tasking which allowed me to work on several apps at the same time is another aspect worth highlighting. On the other hand, I highlight as a weak point the absence of a headphone jack which proved to be a major inconvenience given the circumstances in question.

And so, in the blink of an eye, two weeks passed that, by my will, would have been extended. The experience I had with the iPhone was quite positive (as a point of improvement, I would only like to mention the fact that it didn't have a built-in headphone jack).

Ultimately, there is no winner in thebattle royale span> between iOS and Android, each system having its strengths and weaknesses. If you asked me about the possibility of giving up Android and opting for iOS, I would have serious difficulties in answering, like the indecisive being that I am, but I'm sure that if I decided to buy an iPhone, it would be from Forall Phones!< /p>


About Me


Hello! I'm Iúri Ferreira and I joined Forall as an ambassador at the end of September 2018. I'm taking a degree in Marketing at ESTG-IPL.

Communication, technology and innovation are three things that I have a great passion for, which is why I accepted the challenge of joining the Tech area of ??the Forall blog.

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