is LIVE!

05 March 2019 is LIVE! is LIVE!

Because the purpose of Forall Phones is morethan sellingpremium technology at affordable prices?

After we launch and

Like there is no 2 without 3?

And since our triangle was not yet complete, we just launched!

It's true, a Forall Social< /a> is ONand ready to continue challenging society's status-quo. Another dream come true after a few weeks of work by atalented and irreverent team from our Forall Family.< /span>

This new online platform is the place where you will best understand why Forall Phones is socially responsible and where we leave you with a very special challenge: help us make the world a better place!

Forall Social is guided by for entrepreneurship, support and equality, developing initiatives that generate impact on society, supporting those who need it most and promoting equal access to opportunities.

We always seek to identify society's problems and combat them, recognize situations that require improvement and act, propose solutions and create ways to provide a better quality of life for all people.

On this website you can keep up to date with the social initiatives and projects that we carry out and the entities with which which we collaborate with, read our #ForallSocial articles and consult some numbers about the impact we have already left. There is also a space for you to leave us proposals or challenges, making you our ally on this path towards social balance.

Until then, we collect and deliver basic necessities and clothing to homeless people, helping to achieve this of a free summer camp for children and we encourage them on a day full of activities and, with our influencer André Venda, we prove that there are no limits . With the bracelet initiative going to the association Terra dos Sonhos underway, in the future we intend to work directly with our community in people's lives. We envision a better and fairer world!

We have already infected more than 200 people with positive energy, cooperated with 3 NGOs and made more than 50 children smile, but this is JUST THE BEGINNING!< /p>

Why not join us?

Think social, change the rules!

Rafaela de Melo & Pedro Silvestre


About Me


Hello! My name is Rafaela, I'm 21 years old, I have a degree in Social Work and will soon start my master's degree in Social Economics.

What I like most is communicating and learning, which leads me to get involved in projects in the most diverse areas: that's why I'm at Forall Phones!

I have been an ambassador since May 2018 and in June I joined the Blog Team, being responsible for the Forall Social theme.

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