Forall Family: A Growing Community

05 March 2019

Forall Family: A Growing Community

Forall Family: A Growing Community

When it is said that Forall Phones is a successful start-up, with a leadership spirit, that comes from people with an average age of 22 years old, it seems completely impossible. Right? But the truth is that it is possible, if we are what we are it is because we have a community of ambassadors, who, beyond their young age, know perfectly well that to be successful you need to have a spirit of mutual help, know how to listen, give opportunities that other companies do not is willing to give (simply because we are too young and our opinion doesn't count, because we don't have that experience that looks so good on our CV) and knows how to take advantage of each other's best skills (that's our secret, but it's just between us, ok?).

At Forall Phones, each of us is given the opportunity to grow as professionals, and the best way to contribute to our personal and professional growth and to the growth of this amazing company, is doing something we are really good at. But this conversation is for another day?

I'm here to tell you about Forall Family!

Forall Family arose from the desire to create something unique, something that linked an ambassador program, something that showed that we are all rowing in the same direction and that we do not leave anyone back. It's true that sales count, obviously they do, let's not be hypocrites! But the truth is that there is much more than sales. Just to give you an example, through this great community, excellent meet ups have already been organized and, in addition to the super useful workshops, we also had peddy papers to bring everyone together and so that each new ambassador who enters the program can get to know each one of us, in a super relaxed and informal way. We organize dinners, volunteering, among other things, why? Because firstly it is very important to have people doing what they like and secondly because we are a family and just like in all families it is essential to get to know each other.

As you can see, it's not an exact science but the truth is that it works. This is the secret of our success, this is the secret of the Forall Family.

Tania Arraiolos

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