Entrepreneurship in Universities

05 March 2019

Entrepreneurship in Universities

Entrepreneurship in Universities

Universities are, without a doubt, one of the greatest links between us, young students, and companies. Bachelor's and master's courses focused exclusively on entrepreneurship, competitions and programs to encourage business creation, idea incubators and research centers... There are countless options that Portuguese educational institutions offer their students, with the aim of developing and motivate your aspirations.

And, as you know (or should already know), my motto is ?no excuses?. Therefore, today, I bring you some programs developed by several Portuguese Universities, to which you can belong and, with the help of professors, researchers or even true entrepreneurs, develop your ideas and remain active academically and professionally.

New University of Lisbon

This University has a Entrepreneurship Office where any of your students (regardless of the year or course they attend), Teachers, Researchers and Alumni can develop their business ideas.

In addition to ongoing support throughout the year, discounts are provided in incubators and contacts relevant to the business, creating the necessary tools to enter the business world. span>

ISCTE ? University Institute of Lisbon

The entrepreneurship office of this Institute (Audax-ISCTE) has been open for 11 years and aims to promote the entrepreneurial sense in young Portuguese people (from 13 years old until their entry into the job market), whether from programs in partnership with ISCTE-IUL or with other national or international institutions and companies, whether through specialized support to ?transform ideas into business?.

In addition, it also has a training and guidance aspect towards existing companies, through programs that promote innovation within these organizations.

University of Porto

Created on the initiative of students, the Entrepreneurship Club of the University of Porto (CEdUP), is a little different from the other cabinets presented.

This club does not aim to support business creation projects, but to actively promote the entrepreneurial spirit at the University and, therefore, offers full support in everything which are event ideas or initiatives to promote it within the entrepreneurial ecosystem of this Institution.

University of Algarve

Named by Entrepreneurship and Business Development Support Office, this is the center that supports teachers, students, researchers and Alumni from the University of Algarve in exploring and stimulating new business ideas. Furthermore, it offers interested parties potential integration into the incubation spaces managed by the Institution.

Your University has an entrepreneurship office and you didn't know? Now there is no excuse! And if, by chance, it is not one of those mentioned, check with Academic Services because you will (almost) certainly find a place where you can work on your ideas.

The idea is not to give up! If you are focused, innovative and creative people, take risks and develop that entrepreneurial spirit within you.

Improve every day. Create impact

Daniela Cardoso

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