Did Someone Mention LinkedIn?

05 March 2019

Did Someone Mention LinkedIn?

Did Someone Mention LinkedIn?

If there is one thing that anyone who wants to be an entrepreneur needs to have , it's a profile on LinkedIn! Why? You ask. Because LinkedIn is the largest professional platform that exists and currently has more than 500 million users spread across the world.

And what is it for? So that students and professionals can share their CV ?globally? and so that companies can get to know, almost immediately, candidates who aspire to enter the job market.

Okay, presentations done. Now let's get to the point!

Most of you probably already have a profile on LinkedIn right? The problem is that they often don't know how to make the most of it.

So, here they are some suggestions that will help you:

  1. Profile photo

It is important that the profile photo is professional and adapted to the type of activity in which they are involved.

Basic recommendations:

  • Neutral makeup and tidy hair;
  • Face in foreground;
  • Good quality image;
  • Colors not very flashy;

You can also add a cover photo that will give your profile greater visibility.

  1. The language

The defined language must be English, so that the information can be understood anywhere in the world (this is clear, if we are talking about a professional area whose communication is global).< /p>

  1. Profile information

It is important not to miss pertinent information but, at the same time, there must be careful selection so that the profile does not become boring and boring.

Basic recommendations:

  • Place only the most relevant Educational Institutions, such as Universities;
  • Experience in ?summer jobs? should be mentioned and are, in fact, highly valued by companies. However, if they have nothing to do with the professional area you are looking for, add this information (for example, in ?Seasonal Jobs?);
  • Information about internships and volunteering projects is never too much and must be very detailed;
  • Use recommendations and skills recommended by third parties to improve and give visibility to your profile;
  1. Contact network

If the objective of LinkedIn is to share professional information, so the most important thing is, without a doubt, to create a good network of contacts.
But be careful: quantity is not everything, so always try to add people who are of interest to you professionally.< /span>

  1. Stay active

Share content with the network, from investigations to your personal opinion on a given subject. This is very important so that interested parties can get to know your work and, who knows, receive some recommendations (something that companies also value a lot ).

Congratulate contacts when they start new activities or when it's their birthday and leave feedback in their Publications are another way of showing yourself visible.

It is very important that you dedicate some of your time to this platform, as there are more and more companies looking for and hiring through this route. And guess what? AForall Phones is no exception ! According to research by LinkedIn Sales Navigator September 3, 2018, Forall Phones had been, in the last 90 days to date, one of the main companies hiring on LinkedIn, following names such as Jerónimo Martins and EY.

Improve every day. Create impact

Daniela Cardoso

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