Democratization of Sustainable Comfort

27 August 2020

Democratization of Sustainable Comfort

Democratization of Sustainable Comfort
Over the last 3 centuries, capitalism has ensured opportunities to increase living standards and lifted millions of people out of poverty, at the same time as it has drastically lowered the price levels of immense goods and services. However, at what cost?

    Thanks to a giantuse of natural resources and production and consumption in mass, the planet is undergoing very serious climate changes, which need to be responded to very urgently. The habits of millions of people and companies will have to change even more. Even though not all of them, many companies are already changing. If capitalism was able to create the aforementioned phenomena, it will also be able to become more ?green?. This is what has happened to countless companies all over the world, which have become successively more efficient and ecological, with a view to lower carbon footprints, less waste and greater reuse.

    We are proud to be an example of this: at Forall Phones, most of our practices are taken with a view to better and faster adaptation to a different world, which is increasingly urgent.

    The construction industry is a major emitter of carbon dioxide and other strong>polluting waste. However, this is also taking great steps towards becoming more sustainable: more companies are emerging that build ?smart/sustainable homes?, which guarantee, to the same extent, immense comfort > to the families that inhabit them. These homes are also built with highly advanced and/or reused materials. All management of water, waste and greenhouse gases (GHG) is highly controlled, so that cities can renew themselves (these are the main sources countries) and that families do not have to live in tents or bamboo houses if they want to be more ?green?. The fundamental role that this industry can play is to achieve more and better practices, havemore competitive prices, without forgetting all the guarantees of quality and comfort for families. Only then will smart homes be more accessible and have lower prices for a larger number of inhabitants.

    According to the latest National Energy and Climate Plan (with forecasts for 2030), presented last year, Portugal is committed to reducing 15%GHG emissions in the residential sector, in terms of its current capacity, but attempts will be made to reach a higher value: 30% reduction . renewable energies will, of course, also have a say, with the ambitious objective of increasing their use share. Portugal is, according to REN, one of the countries with the highest renewable energy consumption and nationally (51%), ranking fifth worldwide. It helps that Portugal has the fourth largest wind energy production in the world, through EDP Renováveis. The same company has solar energy services that guarantee, after a few years, a return on the investment made by customers.

    It is true that all countries, companies and citizens still have a long way to go. It is essential that each individual believes that it is not necessary to live in a smart home to make a difference. ?An apple a day, you don?t even know how good it would do you?: allour small actions count.

    Yes, that very easy tap turning off, those too many refrigerator openings and putting on one more piece of clothing, which easily replaces a heater. ?Together we are stronger? fully applies to the changes we want to adopt if we want to enjoy the planet with comfort and happiness. So, you who is reading this, focus on these small corrections that you can make! Look, you're helping everyone...

    Author: Manuel Cruz

    Reviewed by: Mário Castro

    About the Author:

    Manuel Cruz, 21 years old, Economics student.

    I've been part of the Forall Family, as a Shaper, since May 2019 and I've always been very interested in this community and this company. At the moment, I am involved in several Forall Family projects, namely on our blog, focusing on opinion articles on sustainability. I love writing and reading!

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