Changing the World, Step by Step

23 September 2019

Changing the World, Step by Step

Changing the World, Step by Step

Statement of purpose: Forall Phones eco-bottles

It's a scorching sun that makes you die of thirst, or you're walking a few kilometers through the city park... Were you on your way to work, in a hurry, or in grocery shopping routine... It was lunch time (finally!), or you were just relaxing on the couch and watching channels...You were there. And there was also that little plastic water bottle - which gives you that much-precious-and-desired-and-refreshing... water.

We look at that little bottle - so normal, so common - as innocent. Could it be? The story we're going to tell you could change your perspective.

It all starts in any factory where fossil fuels (non-renewable) are transformed into a type of plastic known as PET. This plastic is then transformed into a standard plastic bottle - the one you find anywhere. The bottle is filled with water, often coming from lakes or aquifers that have almost dried up due to their intense exploitation. But there is still a long way to go to transport, store and sell that ?innocent? bottle of water in any supermarket or cafe or vending machine or bar near you. Sometimes the bottle travels across the entire country. Sometimes it flies from one end of the continent to the other. At the end of the year, the energy needed to produce and sell bottled water is equivalent to 450 million barrels of oil. It would be enough to supply 25.5 million cars for an entire year...

But we all easily forget this when the water from that little bottle we just bought goes down our throat and gives us that feeling of ahhhhhhhhhh? cooloooooooo.< /i>

Attention please! The story doesn't end here. Many plastic bottles will never even be recycled and can easily end up resting on any beach, ocean or land out there - and for much longer than you might imagine. Plastic bottles are the fifth most extracted waste from the ocean and from beach cleaning. Plastic does not decompose naturally, which means it degrades until it breaks down into small particles called microplastics. These microplastics remain in the environment forever. Animals such as birds or fish can easily ingest these plastics - which in sufficient quantities can ruin their digestive systems and lead to their death. In the North Pacific, each year between 12,000 and 24,000 tons of plastic are consumed by fish. More than 1 million birds and 100,000 mammals die from ingesting plastic each year. Seafood and fish filled with microplastics or chemicals reach our tables every day and can cause immense damage to human health.

So? do you still think that little bottle is innocent? We are convinced that it is not.

Don't worry - there are alternatives! An eco-bottle seems to be the best solution. An ecological bottle (1) reduces plastic waste; (2) encourages local water consumption; (3) reduces toxins that end up in the water we drink; (4) saves money (90% of the price of a bottle of water is the cost of the bottle itself) and (5) promotes a healthier lifestyle by always having it on hand to drink.

That's why we're giving 100 eco-bottles to our customers in store, between the 23rd and 27th of September. See which store is closest to you!< /p>

And so, step by step, we build a better world for everyone.

Step by step, we are co-creating a better world For All.


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