Being a Community Leader of the Forall Family

05 March 2019

Being a Community Leader of the Forall Family

Being a Community Leader of the Forall Family

Hello everyone, my name is Diogo Vieira and I write this text with the aim of sharing with you my experience as Community Leader of the Beira Interior team, which until very recently was called Beira Interior + Ilhas .

I took on this position in June 2018 with some trepidation ? the fact that I was succeeding Nuno Rodrigues who had just become Operations Manager and that at the time the team was Beira Interior + Ilhas, made this team a One of the biggest challenges I had ever faced as a Forall Family shaper.

Despite some difficulties experienced, namely, the initial difficulty in obtaining results on the Islands resulting from the smaller presence of Forall Phones, as well as the loss of important members (who moved to other teams) as a result of the program's rapid growth , the truth is that the team never gave up, quite the opposite, a spirit of solidarity and an attitude of constant challenge was created over time that has allowed us to go through our journey keeping pace with the rest of the Forall Family .

As Community Leader of this team, we carried out a takeover in the Azores, several local partnerships were developed, several dinners and team buildings were held and this was all only possible due to to the teamwork developed by all members, which is our main success factor ? our union and teamwork.

Being Community Leader of this team, in addition to being challenging, has been rewarding on all levels: professionally, I developed leadership and human resources management skills that will certainly be useful to me in the future, but it was on a personal level that I achieved the most I grew up: I met what is practically a second family, a group of people who I know I can count on now and in the future, whether to unwind before a dinner date, or with a word of comfort when things go less well. This family is not only present in Beira Interior, but also on the other side of the Atlantic.

I couldn't end this text without thanking the various shapers who worked for the team and who for the most diverse reasons had to leave it and who contributed to its success ? you are a daily reminder of everything that has been achieved so far.

Finally, a word to the other Community Leaders ? life gives us unique opportunities and it is up to us to take advantage of them and enjoy them ? being a Leader is a journey of constant challenge where it is possible to reap more fruits than what we were really expecting, but remember behind a great leader there is always a much better team.

Diogo Vieira

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