5 Young Entrepreneurs to Know

05 March 2019

5 Young Entrepreneurs to Know

5 Young Entrepreneurs to Know
About 3 years ago Forbes highlighted the Portuguese entrepreneurial spirit and, there have been consecutive times when the names of young Portuguese people have been mentioned as ?brilliant? minds who created their own business ?from scratch?.
Nothing like a small (big) example to sharpen our entrepreneurial spirit, right? So here are 5 young Portuguese people who, before the age of 30, built their future:

José Costa Rodrigues

At the age of 16, he sells his used cell phone for a profit. Five years later, it had already earned around 1 million euros and opened its first store in Lisbon.

José had the idea of ??creating a brand (initially just with an online store and now with 2 physical stores as well) reselling semi-used cell phones: Forall Phones. In addition to offering its customers the possibility of having a smartphone at much more affordable prices, , promises quality assurance.

Currently, the Forall is also present in Spain and Poland and has an annual turnover that exceeds what is expected for a company with less than three years of existence.

Miguel Pina Martins

It all started in 2007 when Miguel Pina Martins was building his final course project and realized that creating and selling educational toys would be profitable.

With own and debt capital (venture capital and 15 initial shareholders, including students and teachers), Science4you in 2008, which quickly internationalized and is present in markets such as Spain, the United Kingdom United Kingdom and, more recently, the United States, earning an annual turnover of more than 20 million euros.

Miguel Santo Amaro

Miguel's story began in 2012, after finishing his degree and, together with two friends, Mariano Kostelec and Ben Grech, deciding to create a startup digital with global expression: a < span style="font-weight: 400;">Uniplaces.

With 22 million euros raised in funding (the largest Series A investment ever seen in a Portuguese startup), they expanded the company to markets such as Germany and Italy and, Today, they are the largest Portuguese rental platform for students.

The goal of Uniplaces is to serve as an intermediary between landlords and students, placing trust in the former about who they will place in their homes and in the latter about the amenities they will find.

Pedro Freire and António Nunes

The last two young people I have to introduce you to are a duo. Pedro Freire and António Nunes were colleagues at the Portuguese Catholic University and in 2015, they founded Mercadoni: a platform with more than 100 supermarket chains that delivers purchases to your home in Latin America in less than 1 hour.

And their ?empire? doesn?t end here? They also have two more companies (in partnership with another group) of ecommerce: a Linio also in Latin America and Zalorna in Asia, which together, earns around 500 million euros annually.

Improve every day. Create impact

Daniela Cardoso

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