You Can Sit with Us. We Are for All!

05 March 2019

You Can Sit with Us. We Are for All!

You Can Sit with Us. We Are for All!

Malcolm X stated that the fight is not for integration or separation. It is a struggle for all of us to be recognized as human beings.

Archaically, exclusion is still one of the problems of this modern society. Forall Phones comes to buck the trendof the news and assert itself in this fight, or not were we ?For? ALL? - for everyone.

What does this mean? Our first purpose, the one we announce out there, is to make the premium accessible to everyone, lowering the prices of high-end technological equipment and making them available to a less homogeneous group of consumers.

But being ?for all? is much more than that! WE ARE FOR EVERYONE. No exceptions. No stereotypes. No prejudices. No discrimination. No limits! We are in favor of diversity and valuing what is different.We see difference as an advantage.< /i> We celebrate it and that's how we make the world a better, richer place!

Tolerance is the fundamental value for balance in relationships, but what we are referring to is < b>recognitionof singularity and deriving the due benefit from what is different.

Only with plurality can the debate move forward. Have you noticed the great potential that a diverse workforce represents in terms of innovation and creativity?

No matter your nationality, descent, ethnicity, religion, ideology, gender, generation, orientation,? It doesn?t matter if are you the fastest at running or if you can't walk. It doesn't matter how much you measure, how much you weigh or if you weren't the best in the class. There is a place for you. The possibilities are limitless and we want you with us. Here. In our community!

The André Venda is one of the influencers of Forall Family

I would even say that our secret is this global citizenship. Have you ever thought about the catalyst of powerful synergies that all this diversity represents?

The baggage that each one carries only adds, never diminishes. A different story is a another point of view, another way of creating, another way of working, a new idea to add.


Sit with us so we can rise together.

Think social, change the rules!

Rafaela de Melo


About Me


Hello! My name is Rafaela, I'm 22 years old, I have a degree in Social Work and I'm doing a master's degree in Social Economics.

What I like most is communicating and learning, which leads me to get involved in projects in the most diverse areas: that's why I'm at Forall Phones!

I have been a community shaper since May 2018 and in June I joined the Blog Team, being responsible for the Forall Social theme.

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