Why You Shouldn't Apply to the Forall Family

06 October 2020

Why You Shouldn't Apply to the Forall Family

Why You Shouldn't Apply to the Forall Family

The long-awaited moment has arrived, which only occurstwice a year: we, Forall Family, are to recruit. Yes, the organization that provides diverse forms of growth and personal evolution calls, once again, the scattered university students around this country to experience these opportunities.

Specifically, which ones? Believe me: they are a drought, but let's explain, see if I can get this out of the way...

First of all, the Forall Family is a Community of more than 150 college students that represents strong>Forall Phones, a market-leading startup specializing in refurbished technology of superior quality at more affordable prices, operating according to an economy model circular: recycles technology, makes it available to consumers as pre-owned and thus gives new life to tons of electronic devices.

So, yes, Forall Family supports a young, dynamic business with social and environmental responsibilities. Very boring, isn't it?

Secondly, Forall Family is divided into teams spread across regions or districts (Aveiro , Beira Interior, Coimbra, Leiria, Lisbon, Minho and Porto), which promote various local initiatives and group activitiesbecause not everything is sales or college. The effort of providing your Ambassadors with some of the strong>best moments of this important stage of life, even during a pandemic like this, moving a large part of thesocial gatherings to digital formats, but without ever losing their shine , originality and team spirit.

?End the suffering now?, you think? And well.

In addition, Forall Family has inter-team projects and gives you the freedom to propose new projects or improve previous ones: this semester alone, we have 18 projects to be managed by highly motivated and capable members a great job. I highlight, for example, the possibility of writing on a blog with a ?measly? 7000 readers(poor me, I do this) or the chance to intervene directly in the company's Marketing policies, through the resolution of case studies.

It's a hassle, I know... I'm almost there.

Speaking of a particular project, Forall Champions, this one gives you the necessary tools to act towards to fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals (aka SDGs). The 15 (so few!)teams compete in the implementation of several sustainable initiatives (at environmental and social levels, for example), because they really believe they can make this world a better shelter for NGOs, families, parks, beaches, companies, etc...

Naive, right?

In conclusion (I'll try to be really quick, I promise): Forall Family might be a Community of and for dreamers? I?m not saying no. But what is really guaranteed isour commitment and motivation to create opportunitiesthat could generate a very positive impactin severalareas of society. We are young people open to diversity, to initiatives, to volunteering, to joy in work and we want to pass on our way of being to you, who is reading this and finding martyrdom. We promise that we will try everything to provide you with the best experiences of your life. Don't you want to risk it?

We're a little boring and it might seem bad, but if you have nothing to do, check it out aqui.

We invite you to join this family by May 9th via http://forallfamily.com

Author: Manuel Cruz

Reviewed by: Mário Castro

About the Author:

Manuel Cruz, 21 years old, Economics student.

I have been part of the Forall Family, as a Shaper, since May 2019 and have always been very interested in this Community and this company. At the moment, I am involved in several Forall Family projects, namely on our blog, focusing on opinion articles on sustainability. I love writing and reading!

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