Which device is best for reading in 2023? Kindle or iPad?

13 January 2023

Which device is best for reading in 2023? Kindle or iPad?

Which device is best for reading in 2023? Kindle or iPad?
more than others and the equipment is used in different contexts. That said, you may wonder: between a Kindle and an iPad, which is the best device for my reading?

In this article, we share the main differences between the Kindle and the iPad, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each. We hope this information helps you when choosing one device over another.

The main differences between Kindle and iPad

The Kindle is a device designed specifically for reading digital books and magazines. It can also be used to open other documents such as PDF files, but the main purpose of the device is to provide a good reading experience.

Its electronic ink and backlit screen is designed to replicate the experience of reading on paper. It therefore offers a more pleasant and comfortable experience, especially if you don't have the most suitable lighting conditions around you.

iPads are compact devices, similar to laptops, but with a smaller screen. It has a lot of processing power, designed to run heavy and energy-intensive applications. It is not designed specifically for reading purposes.

Advantages of the Kindle over the iPad

Battery: The battery is one of the Kindle's strong points. The Kindle Paperwhite model, for example, has a battery life of around two weeks on a single charge. This way, the user does not need to charge the device frequently or worry about the remaining battery percentage while virtually leafing through their book.

The iPad, on the other hand, has remarkable battery life, but it doesn't come close to what the Kindle can offer.

Cost: The price of a Kindle is lower than that of an iPad, and can cost up to three times less. This fluctuation in price is one of the reasons why people choose the e-reader over the Apple device.

If your main goal is to read books and you have a more limited budget, we recommend purchasing the Kindle.

Screen: As we mentioned earlier in the article, the Kindle comes equipped with an electronic ink (e-ink) screen that imitates the experience of reading on paper. In turn, the iPad has an LCD or LED screen, unable to replicate the same experience.

Dimensions: In addition to being light, the Kindle is smaller in size when compared to an iPad. Most Kindle models have a 6-inch screen ? except the Kindle Oasis, which is sold with a 7-inch screen. As far as the iPad is concerned, the dimensions vary and start at 10 inches. The iPad mini has a 7-inch screen, but it doesn't have the same performance and features as other iPad models.

In short, the size of the Kindle makes it a device that can be carried in a suitcase or backpack. The size and weight are also suitable for users who need to hold the reader with one hand while reading.

Eye fatigue:As you may already know, using an iPad for a long period of time can tire your eyes. In this aspect, the Kindle is less harmful than the Apple device, as it emits much less blue light due to its electronic ink screen.

With a Kindle, you can read comfortably for several hours, and reduce the risk of headaches, itchy eyes, or long-term vision problems.

Durability:All equipment is susceptible to breakdown or accidental damage. However, Amazon's e-reader is quite resistant, having been designed to withstand falls or other accidents. The screen and back panel are not easily damaged.

Read without distractions: The focused reading experience is another reason we suggest the Kindle over the iPad. When using an iPad or any other tablet, you may receive notifications from social media applications, emails or even messages. Even though they are isolated episodes, these moments break our reading flow and can distract us from what really matters...

With a Kindle, you are free from all these distractions, as long as you keep other devices silent or away from you.

Kindle Disadvantages in relation to the iPad

Although there are several advantages to using a Kindle instead of an iPad, we should be aware that Amazon's e-reader also has some drawbacks.

Lack of multimedia experience: Kindle is not designed for playing videos, listening to songs, or playing games. The device is designed exclusively for reading digital books and magazines. This means that you will not be able to learn a new word or research a specific context in history using videos or other formats.

If this experience makes more sense to you, we advise you to use an iPad.

The Kindle is used to open e-books: This point is related to the previous one, but we want to emphasize it. One of the reasons why people consider buying an iPad to read is related to the amount of things that can be done with the Apple device. You can use an iPad to entertain your children, to get ahead with your office work, surf the Internet, watch movies and series, among others.

If we consider that the Kindle is only for reading, why should we have two different devices?

Download favorite works: One of the biggest disadvantages of the Kindle compared to the iPad has to do with its dependence on the Amazon store. The process of purchasing and downloading the e-book is simple, but we cannot use other platforms to obtain free e-books. You will have to access a computer or a smartphone to download and transfer the books to your Kindle, and the process is not as intuitive as we would like.

With an iPad, the task is simpler and more accessible. All you have to do is download the books to your device, go to the ?Downloads? folder, and open the file with the Kindle application or similar.

What is the best device for reading?

We hope that the pros and cons we have outlined in this article have put you in a position to decide which device is best suited to your needs. It all depends on what you want to do, but we recommend buying a Kindle if your main goal is to read digital books.

Visit our online store to discover all the proposals for e-readers refurbished that we have for you. If you have any questions, you can always contact us or go to one of our physical stores to obtain more information.

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