Volunteering Must Be Managed!

05 March 2019

Volunteering Must Be Managed!

Volunteering Must Be Managed!

There are many terminologies, whether imagination is the limit, but the most common name is Volunteer Manager. span>

Who has never been called to a volunteer project and felt unhelpful or lacking guidance, coordination or organization? I know some cases! And some people are unimpressed with volunteering because of a bad experience.

The greatest resource of volunteering is people and we cannot ignore this or ignore the sustainability of the entire project. It is to prevent this from happening that the Volunteer Manager emerged and last year November 5th was the day of its international celebration.

Starting any volunteer activity without planning and without a person in charge of management can represent a bad omen for a good cause.

Volunteering being an activity without remuneration and free choice, and in order to retain volunteers and maximize productivity of them, it is important that there is a dynamic and functioning support network during all phases of the project.

Volunteering must be carried out in an organized manner, with a planned evaluation method and openness to improvement adjustments. In this way, volunteers very naturally fulfill objectives, add value, renew motivation and dedicate themselves to a project that also becomes their own.

I'm talking about a complete, serious and structured volunteer management system. Effective management which includes continuous communication between all stakeholders, training and monitoring of volunteers, clear definition of objectives and tasks, presentation of results achieved, recognition of individual work and dissemination of achievements and impact achieved.

The Volunteer Manager is responsible for ensuring all of this! It is the professional who designs and executes volunteer programs in an organization and who coordinates volunteers. With a mission focused on contributing to a fairer and more balanced society, it is through the programs it develops that the transformation of communities continues.

At a time of ?very busy people? and ?very busy schedules?, the volunteer demands that their time be spent well used and having a Volunteer Manager in an organization is a winning bet!

Think social, change the rules!

Rafaela de Melo

Sources: Vision


About Me


Hello! My name is Rafaela, I'm 22 years old, I have a degree in Social Work and I'm doing a master's degree in Social Economics.

What I like most is communicating and learning, which leads me to get involved in projects in the most diverse areas: that's why I'm at Forall Phones!

I have been a community shaper since May 2018 and in June I joined the Blog Team, being responsible for the Forall Social theme.

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