TOP 7 Free Apps to Get Yourself Organized

05 March 2019

TOP 7 Free Apps to Get Yourself Organized

TOP 7 Free Apps to Get Yourself Organized

Tomorrow I have a test, then I have a project to deliver and to top it all off, I still need that really boring report! We all know that time doesn't stretch and that it can be difficult to balance your course/profession with friends and family.

We leave you with some free apps that can help you overcome the daily struggle against time.

  • Wunderlist

This application is the best ?to-do list? you can find! Whether it's for a shopping list, to remind you that that special person is celebrating their birthday or even to help plan the next project.

  • Letterspace ? iOS

With Letterspace you organize your life through # (hashtags) ? each hashtag is a theme that you need to have organized.

Paper lets you take note-taking to the highest level! Through this app it is possible to carry out actions as varied as taking notes to drawing graphs and diagrams. Basically it's like writing on paper, but on your phone.

Founded by Facebook's CTO, this app allows you to centralize everything Microsoft Office does and more. It has a ?social? component where you can collaborate on blog posts, manage projects, and even share lists.

If you're out of memory and really need to save that document, all these applications allow you to save your files online for free.

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