This is Forall Phones

05 March 2019

This is Forall Phones

This is Forall Phones
It all starts with José's story, he was 16 years old and wanted an iPhone. The parents said no. He sold stuff he had and bought one. He then sold it for a profit. Five years later, he sells hundreds a month and will open his first store

José, now 21, had the idea when he was 16 to allow anyone to have a ?top? phone without spending ? a riot.? Like many other teenagers, I wanted an iPhone. The parents' response was similar to that of many others: ?we are not going to give you a 500 euro cell phone?. Little did they know that with ?nega? they were helping their son start his own business.

The love for the Apple machine was ephemeral and a month later ?I was reselling the iPhone 4s at a profit?, he tells us. It was then that the young entrepreneur from Ourém saw that it was possible to use a good cell phone and still make money from it. The idea that would change José's life was born here.

With the profit from the first resale he started buying cell phones ?from friends and family?. A small business was quickly born. It was two years like this, until sales were growing more than the dining room table ? where José managed operations ? and he created the brand ?Forall Phones? (phones for everyone, in Portuguese).

That was when he decided to create the ?ambassador network?. Through ?influential friends? from high school, José shared descriptions and photographs of the products he had. Friends sold them for a commission. In just three months he made 70 thousand euros.

From an initial 300 euros, without external support, José expects to reach 1 million euros in sales in end of 2017. In addition tosmartphones, Forall Phones also makes repairs and sells accessories for mobile equipment. But even so, it is necessary to reach those who buy directly, and investing in stores is not enough. That's why it once again invested in the ambassador program, which was stopped in 2016. Now it focuses on young university students, knowing that it is among this audience that it finds the most customers.

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