The Responsibility for Our Planet Is Yours, Now

05 March 2019

The Responsibility for Our Planet Is Yours, Now

The Responsibility for Our Planet Is Yours, Now

We are at the beginning of a new year. New year, new (re)beginnings. However, the Planet will only start again if we make it possible! Global warming, rising average water levels, scarcity of resources and hunger. It's happening, and reality is getting closer to each one of us, regardless of whether it seems far away at first, unnoticed, it will reach us.

In recent years, countless species have become extinct. Thaws are increasing due to the climate warming over time. The water level is rising, and the forecasts are not encouraging for the coming years, which will have serious impacts on life as we know it today. Did you know that the vast network of physical infrastructures that support Internet connections is based, above all, on the course of the waters of our seas, which, at the moment, rise every year? This translates into thousands of km of fiber optic cables submerged within a few years, according to data from National Geography.

The truth is that we live in a world built for the environment that is no longer the reality of today. It is not just the Internet that is at risk, but, for example, the traffic lights that coordinate traffic on our roads. Connections to satellites that allow us to forecast natural disasters. Communications. And I could continue.

The effects of climate change are not just abstract. The Food Organization (FAO) of the United Nations every year warns of the consequences of global warming on the resources available to feed not only the next generations, but also the current ones. In recent years, the FAO pointed to 122 million people in a situation of extreme poverty resulting from climate change, numbers that turned out to be close to reality.

What we are seeing right now is unprecedented and we are not prepared. Exposure to heat waves, fires, droughts that lead to arid lands and consequently food shortages. The tendency for temperatures to rise, the decrease in average precipitation and coastal erosion in some regions in the face of floods, the rise of the sea line and other natural phenomena never before seen in other parts of the world. All this in areas that are not used to dealing with these problems, nor are they prepared to respond to them. New diseases and attacks on public health, caused by air pollution and the destruction of the ozone layer. All of this is real and is becoming very visible recently.

All of this is realand it is this reality that we have to deal with. We have to change the paradigm, and take control of our Planet. Adopt long-term sustainability thinking, but above all adopt intelligent, efficient measures that use innovation and new technologies to our advantage. May they use the new knowledge we have to improve the environment, not destroy it.

Make the commitment. Help take care of our planet. Change starts with you, now.

Go green

Raquel Fernandes


About Me


Heyy! I'm Raquel Fernandes, I'm an ambassador for Forall Phones and I study Economics.
I'm passionate about causes that go beyond us as people and that affect us as a society and nature and its wonders. For this reason, I am a natural defender of our Planet because we must safeguard it!


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