The MacBook as We Know It Will End

06 July 2020

The MacBook as We Know It Will End

The MacBook as We Know It Will End

The rumors were not new but the message became a reality, starting at the end of this year 2020 .

Yes, Apple takes another step towards independence and announced that it will leave< /strong> to use the processors of the technology multinational with which it had a partnership for 15 years.

For those who don't know, all MacBooks< /a>used processing developed by Intel, which sometimes became a Handicapfor the < strong>Apple since it depended on another company to be able to launch new models. In addition to this factor, it was included in the normal cycles of computer renewal on the market, which made it lose advantage compared to its competitors, as everyone saw the launch of >new models at the same height.

Apple announced at the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference which, from the end of this year will begin, gradually, the shift of MacBookfor processors developed in-house with architecture based on ARM, which is already check the remaining Apple equipment.

Yes, Apple already has experience with ARM-based processor architecture as it has been used for many years in iPhonese iPads and which will allow the wonderful trio of Apple devices to run the same Apps. This is excellent news for users but also for programmers, as they will only have to develop one App that will work on 3 devices instead to develop separately for Macs.

In simple terms, an ARM-based architecture allows processors to perform a large number of >simple tasks without requiring great processing power and this is something that we easily see as users of iPhonesand iPads. Now, imagine this power but on MacBooks!

It is also expected that the autonomy of the batteries will increase and that the temperature of MacBooks equipped with these new processors will decrease, which will translate into a superior user experience.

For those who are more apprehensive, remember that the range of A-Series processors from iPhoneand from iPadbecame known as being one of the best in terms of performance dual-core and single-core, which suggests that a processor for MacBooks designed by Apple itself is a great machine .

Still, we will have to findsolutions for the developers who now see their Apps designed solely for MacBooksold and they will need to get have a transition to the new models. Losing out is Intel which sees the end of one of its largest long-standing customers, but will continue to put up a fight in this duel of processors, as the multinational has some of the best processors on the market.

Now the competition is open and it can only mean continued improvement in both sides... We all know that competition spice everything!

For the more curious, it is planned that the complete change in MacBooks take about2 years and start at a lower range before reaching the top of the range.

Anyway, MacBook is MacBook and, if on the one hand these technological advances they are fantastic, on the other hand we cannot forget that the great machines produced by Apple are still on sale and perhaps there will be drops in prices. Nothing like taking advantage of the wave and betting on a refurbished top of the range from Forall Phones!

Don't forget that you can buy any of our equipmentrefurbished< strong>premium on our Website, without leaving home. You can also count on our Live Store to have the store experience, at home or go to one of our open stores!


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