The Formula of the 3 P's

05 March 2019

The Formula of the 3 P's

The Formula of the 3 P's

Everyone knows what a tripod is, right? Now imagine that each ?foot? corresponds to a P: People, Planet, < em>Profit. What do they hold? SUSTAINABILITY! Let?s talk about the ?Tripod of Sustainability?.

Sustainability is the word of the moment. It's everywhere and everyone says it in their speeches. The dictionary tells us that this word refers to a system model that is capable of conservation; It is, therefore, a term used to define human actions that do not compromise the future of generations.

Sustainability must be understood in its broadest sense as a responsibility of all social actors and encompassing the 3 pillars: environmental, social and economic.

Although many companies are still resistant to the topic, fortunately there is already a tendency for companies to increasingly adopt more sustainable behaviors, realizing that beyond the desirable financial profit, the dimensions ofsocial responsibility and environmental impact.

It is with this movement that we will progressively see the concept of ?Tripod of Sustainability? affirm- serves as a management model, marking a position in annual reports regardless of the sector in which the company positions itself and reflecting its performance in ainterdependence between the 3 pillars< /strong>.

John Elkington, co-founder of SustainAbility (consulting company for a sustainable economy in business), in 1994 innovated with this concept of ?Triple Bottom Line? that brings together Ppeople +Planeta + Proveito (or profit) as the formulafor a company to be sustainably successful. This ?Sustainability Tripod? represents a sustainable development strategy based on the interaction between all pillars, which measures profit not only through analysis of the financial result, but also through analysis of social and environmental aspects.

This management model also promotes the more correct use of human resources and raw materials, the incorporation of a more efficient use of natural resources, the establishment of strategies that ensure the future of generations and the distribution of generated wealth; everything so that we can build a more balanced and less disparate society.

There are already many companies that are examples of a shared value chain, such as Forall Phones which appears as a ?triangle? in which in the center is Forall Phones and at the vertices we find Forall Family, Forall Green and Forall Social.

Clearly, entities must be socially (=PEOPLE) and environmentally ( = PLANET) responsible without failing to obtain the necessary financial profit (= PROFIT), affirming voluntarily their social responsibility and assuming voluntarilycommitments that go beyond legal or conventional environmental requirements.

Sustainability is above all a comprehensive topic that is not limited by time nor restricted by age, it is then through the exercise of active citizenship that we can all be protagonists and play a transformative role that contributes to a fairer society. It is a power that is simultaneously individual and collective and we already have the formula!

Think social, change the rules!

Rafaela de Melo

Sources: News Magazine, Compete, Sustainability and corporate social responsibility


About Me


Hello! My name is Rafaela, I'm 21 years old, I have a degree in Social Work and will soon start my master's degree in Social Economics.

What I like most is communicating and learning, which leads me to get involved in projects in the most diverse areas: that's why I'm at Forall Phones!

I have been an ambassador since May 2018 and in June I was responsible for writing about Forall Social.

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