The 4 most common myths about mobile phone usage

01 March 2023

The 4 most common myths about mobile phone usage

The 4 most common myths about mobile phone usage
When the first cell phones appeared, users created certain habits because they believed that these contributed to the proper functioning of the devices. One of the most common was related to battery degradation and consisted of carrying out full charges, that is, up to 100% of capacity. Anyone who lived during this period of telecommunications revolution will remember these and other beliefs very well, some more founded than others. But do these still make sense today, or should we put them aside?
Using white label chargers does not cause problems with your cell phone

Cell phone chargers and data cables are built according to the specificities of each manufacturer, which means that these accessories are strictly controlled with regard to quality and safety. Although some white label chargers on the market can charge equipment in a very similar way, they may pose a risk to the user's safety and even cause irreparable damage to the device. Using, for example, chargers or data cables from other brands to charge a Samsung cell phone may have undesirable effects on the equipment. The charging power may not reach the maximum power supported by the phone in question or the fast charging protocol may not be supported, resulting in slower charging speed than expected. For safety reasons, and so that the useful life of the equipment does not deteriorate at an accelerated rate, it is important to use the charger from the same manufacturer as the cell phone.

Charging your cell phone overnight damages the battery

In the past, the cell phone battery was not ?smart? enough to detect when it reached its limit of its capacity. It was stated that overcharging the battery could lead to a reduction in its useful life, as well as other problems with the cell phone. With the evolution of technology and improvements implemented in the various components, the risk of overloading has become non-existent in smartphones. The batteries are made of lithium and now work on a cycle basis, which means that, for example, when it reaches 100% charge, it automatically stops charging. Furthermore, current devices have intelligent systems that manage the charge, so that, when the battery reaches its maximum level, the additional energy input is stopped. This way, and unlike what happened previously, you can charge your cell phone overnight. This action will not pose a risk to you or your device.

Using a cell phone with a cracked or broken screen is not harmful

Once again, each case is different and you should evaluate the problem based on a few points which we will mention here. Cracking or breaking a screen does not mean that the cell phone is unusable, but there are some dangers when handling the equipment. Firstly ? and leaving aside the aesthetic part of the device ? the screen may have its touch functionality affected and, therefore, less sensitive to touch. It is possible that you will no longer be able to perform certain tasks because the cell phone will not follow your instructions. Another disadvantage is related to the exposure of the cell phone's components to all the elements of the environment in which we live, such as dust, liquids and temperature. With a broken screen, the circuits and systems that make up the cell phone are more exposed and prone to causing a short circuit (if water or other liquid seeps through the cracks in the screen). Last but not least, there is the possibility that small fragments of the screen could hurt the fingers or face of whoever is using the cell phone. Furthermore, a screen in this state will require additional eye strain, which can result in tired, red and watery eyes.
Repairing the screen or buying a cell phone is always a personal decision, but we recommend that you analyze the problem in isolation and consider what consequences may arise in terms of the device's performance. In many situations, repairing the screen is the most viable and economical option, especially if you no longer feel the need to change your cell phone.

Using your cell phone while it is charging is not beneficial for the device

You may have heard of cell phones exploding during the charging process. But could these stories, often shared online, also happen to you?
The myth related to using a cell phone while it is charging arose, in large part, due to the equipment overheating. When we use our cell phone to watch videos, listen to music or perform more demanding tasks such as playing games, the device ends up heating up naturally. If we add to this fact the heating resulting from charging the battery, it is normal for the user to feel their device heat up too much.
However, this heating should not be harmful to the device, as the most recent cell phones are prepared for scenarios like this. Many devices even emit an alert the moment they reach a certain temperature, warning users not to continue using them.

At Forall you will find the solution to your problem

There are some myths that continue to be seen as true by many cell phone users around the world. Although some had a basis and had a logical explanation a few years ago, it is a fact that they no longer have this with technological developments and the changes made in the sector. Our suggestion is that you always use your cell phone and other electronic equipment with caution, trying to be extra careful in situations such as those mentioned above.

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