"Socially Responsible"?!

05 March 2019

"Socially Responsible"?!

"Socially Responsible"?!

Whenever we visit the Forall Phones website we are confronted with some expressions that can leave us a little confused:

?Socially responsible.?

?We combine innovation and sustainability in our DNA.?

?(?) thanks to our close customer experience, informed, safe, socially and environmentally responsible.?

But what does this mean? Do all expressions refer to the same concept or is it correct to distinguish them? Can Forall Phones call itself ?socially responsible?? Were we socially and environmentally conscious in our creation or is it still possible to take steps in this direction?

When we talk about startups, we think about creativity and innovation, but the word ?responsibility? must also be included.

According to the European Commission's Green Paper (2001), "corporate social responsibility is a concept according to which companies decide, on a voluntary basis, to contribute to a fairer society and a cleaner environment » [1].

In other words, we talk about positively impacting society! And yes, the concept of sustainable development is closely related to social issues!

Social responsibility in any company must involve much more than actions with citizenship objectives; without fear, the company (regardless of its size: small, medium, large, international or even the neighborhood grocery store) must assume an ethical stance of co-responsibility towards society.

I guarantee it's simple, it's just about the company integrating not only the economic impact into its operations, but also projecting a social and environmental impact. Preferably continuous, as they wish for the economic aspect!

The ideal is then that the company's management is not guided solely by its own interests, but also by the benefits and potentializationof its workers and partners, its customers , its competition, public authorities, local communities and society in general [1].

Does it seem difficult?

This action can be developed through education, solidarity or sustainability and is done through internal actions ? with ambassadors, collaborators or suppliers ?, of < b>external actions ? encouraging good practices in society, such as reducing e-waste ? or external actions with customers themselves ? the plantation initiative in Pinhal de Leiria is an example of this .

We are socially responsible because we believe in the voluntary integration of social and environmental concerns in Forall Phones! And of course: we will continue walking this trail.

Think Social, change the rules!

Rafaela de Melo

Source: [1] Our Cause


About Me


Hello! My name is Rafaela, I'm 21 years old, I have a degree in Social Work and will soon start my master's degree in Social Economics.

What I like most is communicating and learning, which leads me to get involved in projects in the most diverse areas: that's why I'm at Forall Phones!

I have been an ambassador since May 2018 and in June I was responsible for writing about Forall Social.

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