Pink Week - Supporting the Fight Against Breast Cancer

05 March 2019

Pink Week - Supporting the Fight Against Breast Cancer

Pink Week - Supporting the Fight Against Breast Cancer

Cancer is one of the biggest causes of mortality today, accounting for, according to Pordata, around a quarter of deaths in Portugal.

Various types of cancer plague different types of people and at different times ? lung cancer, skin cancer or prostate cancer are just examples of a phenomenon that has already brought a lot of suffering to many families. Among all the existing variants, there is one that is particularly problematic: breast cancer.

Breast cancer arises when mutations occur in the genes that regulate the creation of cells in the breast. These begin to appear uncontrollably due to mutations and cluster into tumors that normally form in the ducts or lobules of the breast. The cancer cells can then spread to the rest of the body, leading to a truly desperate situation.

Portugal does not escape the risks of breast cancer. According to the Portuguese League Against Cancer, 6,000 new cases are registered each year and 1,500 victims lose the fight against the disease. An incredibly impactful type of cancer, not only for its symbolism of motherhood and feminism, but also for its severity and incidence.

What is being done to combat this problem? Fortunately, there are a few organizations that support the fight against diseases of this nature. The Portuguese Association to Support Women with Breast Cancer (APAMCM), located in Lisbon, is one of them. This association is dedicated to providing preventive care, curative care and rehabilitation for breast cancer victims, always aiming to prevent breast cancer and, when not possible, help combat it. In addition, it also provides specialized care in the area of ??gynecology and health services to the general population.

Forall Phones, recognizing the seriousness of this topic and the importance that APAMCM has at a national level , joins the fight against breast cancer by promoting Pink Week. From December 3rd to December 8th, when purchasing a iPhone 6S 16GB Rose Gold you will have the possibility to buy a ?Forall é Ajudar? bracelet for just 5 euros more, amount that will be donated to APAMCM. We are committed to supporting this cause! Join us?

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