PART II - 7 Steps to Create a Social Impact Project

05 March 2019

PART II - 7 Steps to Create a Social Impact Project

PART II - 7 Steps to Create a Social Impact Project
400;">Social Entrepreneurship Institute considers -o ?a catalyst for change that effectively solves society?s problems?.

It is within a community that the social entrepreneur breaks with the traditional vision b>, develops your social or environmental ideas, operates solutions with transformative potential and puts into practice new models with room for growth on a global scale< /b>. In practice, creating and maximizing social value is the main characteristic indicated by a social entrepreneur. It is, in fact, this attribute that distinguishes him from other entrepreneurs.

We have listed 7 steps that we consider essential in creating a socially impactful project:

1. Identify the problem, fall in love with the problem, transform the idea into a solution

Identify the problem you want to work on and dedicate yourself entirely to it ? learn everything about it! You must recognize and analyze the factors that lead to this problem, as knowing what must be ?combated? helps to establish a strategy.

2. Feel what the audience feels

Know your target audience, those who want to benefit from your solution. You need to go beyond the superficial, put yourself in these people's shoes and feel what they feel in your own skin. And why not invite them to work with you? They are a great source of information and having them on your side will bring more effective results.

3. Draw a project with head, torso and limbs

Write what objectives you want to achieve, the actions to be taken, who you will need on your side, what communication you want to make, the impact indicators and the fundraising plan.< /p>

It is very important that you do not forget that, even if profit is not at the forefront, a social impact business is still a business and as such the revenue must be recurring and, above all, sufficient for self-sustainment. Fundraising is one of the most complicated areas, but there are already many forms of financing (crowdfunding, investors, competitions, partnerships, quotas, etc.).

4. Entrust tasks to others and trust others

Remember that you won't go that far alone. Find people who also share your entrepreneurial vision and believe in your dream! It's not a bad idea to bring together a multidisciplinary team. Diversity will drive innovation.

You have to look for the right people, get them on your side, share your idea, listen to suggestions, accept contributions and, above all, entrust each task to your specialist. Your ?way? is not always the best? Make the most of the potential and talents of the people you have with you: create communication channels between everyone so that they feel the empowerment and responsibility for the final success of the project.

5. Promote smartly

Be sure to invest in specialized advertising strategies related to your project area in order to capture positive attention of people. Well-structured communication, more than generating visibility for the project and good results, can attract partners and collaborators and inspire other people to develop their own projects.

6. Monitor performance without fear of error and change

Efficacy is not proven only at the end (because we often don't know when the end will be), and that's why It is crucial to carry out ?interim assessments?. Measure performance, collect feedback and suggestions from everyone involved, review initial objectives and, above all, don't be afraid to recognize mistakes, change what can be improved and make mistakes again.

It makes the process easier if you identify the most useful development indicators and monitor them regularly!

7. Don't stand still

Don't stop questioning yourself, thinking about new ideas, dreaming bigger, believing in your team's potential and, very important, to invest in training!

Now there are no excuses for not taking the first step! Don't be left behind and embark on this new economy. It is within anyone's power to leave a positive mark on the world. Better than all this, is the possibility of supporting each other, so be sure to share your tips for being an entrepreneur who creates social impact!

Think social, change the rules!

Rafaela de Melo

Sources: Administradores. com, Destino Internet, Exame, Associação Mutualista Montepio, Small Businesses & Big Business


About Me


Hello! My name is Rafaela, I'm 21 years old, I have a degree in Social Work and will soon start my master's degree in Social Economics.

What I like most is communicating and learning, which leads me to get involved in projects in the most diverse areas: that's why I'm at Forall Phones!

I have been an ambassador since May 2018 and in June I was responsible for writing about Forall Social.

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