Meet up - Aveiro

05 March 2019

Meet up - Aveiro

Meet up - Aveiro
nt-weight: 400;">On September 29, 2018, the third event took place Meet Up and this time the city chosen was Aveiro, known for its channels navigated by colorful boats (moliceiro boats).

The day began at the University of Aveiro where we started the morning with a game in which we were given a card with our name from another shaper with the aim of asking some questions and getting to know other members of the community better.

After activity ? icebreaker? we heard the testimonies of managers Pedro Silvestre and João Oliveira who even far away gave us their motivational words.

Moving on to the lectures, it was time for our CEO to open the panel, talking about the time invested and also talking about the future, in our future as a community, company, family. Forall (for everyone) started to make sense while start up because a connection was created between everyone and that was the initial objective and that objective was fulfilled. As our CEO said, we ?bring dreamers together? because it is necessary to have the ability to look and see the future, always wanting more. We need to respect time, have a clear reflection of what is happening and a clear visualization of our dreams. All dreams are possible to achieve, you just need to believe, work and build.

Our sales guru, Pedro Prior, also gave us incredible tips to improve our advertisements and achieve our sales objectives. For example, he mentioned the hours of greatest visibility, strategic location and how to create an easy, accessible and readable advertisement for the customer.

Still in the morning, André Couceiro spoke to us about task forces. Did you know we have acts< span style="font-weight: 400;">mente 27 task-forces? It's true, 18 are in Portugal and 10 in Spain. We have everything from the creation of the newsletter, the forall family web, the blog, the meet ups, to others such as the management of sales guru, instagram and youtube.

We also had the opportunity to listen to speakers who work full time, as is the case by José Alves who spoke to us about performance and marketing, channels used with the aim of reaching a lot of people, such as Google ads, Facebook ads and email marketing. João Ribeiro spoke to us about the company's culture and its foundations, such as habits, behaviors, brand and values.

Our shapers Guilherme Riscado, Tiago Marcos and Pedro Silva also had the opportunity to explain their journey at Forall Family and how to grow within the community. Sílvia Soria spoke to us about positivism and how important this is to achieve success, and last but not least it was Tomás Delft's turn to talk about Art Design, challenging our shapers to create an appealing ad, with a logo , slogan, design and price.

Another special moment of the day was a musical gathering provided by some shapers and then there was apeddy papper through the city of Aveiro where the shapers were able to visit the city's emblematic sites.

This family's dinner took place at the home of our shaper Bernardo Pita, to whom we thank for the hospitality, which was a night of conviviality and lots of fun.

It was without a doubt another incredible meet up, a big thank you to the team organizing the event, it was memorable guys! span>

Tania Arraiolos


About Me


Hello! My name is Tania Arraiolos, I'm 25 years old, I have a degree in Anthropology and an almost master's degree in Evolution and Human Biology.

I love walking, seeing new places, new people, cooking, I love animals, my friends and my family. These are the perfect ingredients to belong to the forall family.

I have been an ambassador since January 2018 and in June I joined the Blog Team, being responsible for the Forall Family theme.


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