Masks that Protect or Destroy?

24 July 2020

Masks that Protect or Destroy?

Masks that Protect or Destroy?

The phase that the world is going through haschanged our life. The obligation to stay at home and the fear for the future has changed our routines, habits of < strong>consumption and the way we relate.

Today, at a time when a large part of the world is beginning, little by little, to deconfine, the authorities health call for the mass use of individual protection instruments, especially masks, due to the greater probability of maintaining people safe and much closer to returning to their normal lives.

Masks became a fundamental piece of ?clothing?.

However, old problems continue: Associated with the massive use of these same instruments, which can save lives, save routines and lock< /strong> a pandemic creates a new form of waste and garbage that is not properly recycled.

If disrespect already existed, such as devaluation for environmental reasons, disregarding such a simple and fundamental as separation of waste and recycling, this new wave of pollution becomes equally worrying.

We often come across masks and gloves scattered around the streets, in shopping carts and on beaches, a deeply reprehensible act with a very negative impact on the hygiene of public spaces and ecosystems. According to WWF, this is already a very serious problem in several seas, particularly our ?neighbor? Mediterranean.

Disposable masks must be thrown in thedomestic waste, a recommendation that the DGS strong>reinforces across all your communication channels. Reusable and washable masks can always have fabrics that are important for making second-hand clothing. Even during a pandemic, we cannot forget the pollution of the seas, rivers and streets, caused by tons of objects of >decompositiondifficult and long.

What we should also not forget is that many goods have the right to a new life. Forall Phones does its part: We acquire high-quality products that are rarely used, we give them them new lives and we satisfy our customers with a premium service at cheap prices, making cutting-edge technologyaccessible to everyone.

Based on our example, which only covers a crumb of all the trash produced in the world, you can It can be easily replicated in various sectors of activity, and, therefore, we actively advise that all people and companies acquire, as much as possible, goods with various usesand purposes.

In other words, minimizing ?use and throw away? practices or the purchase of single-use goods . We all have the opportunity and obligation to reduce our ecological footprint and improve our quality of life.

In the light of one just one person, recycling may seem insignificant, but if tens, hundreds, thousands or millions of people change their mindset, who knows what the impact will be? Positive it will certainly be?

Author: Manuel Cruz

Reviewed by: Mafalda Amarelo

About the Author:

Manuel Cruz, 21 years old, Economics student.

"I've been part of the Forall Family, as a Shaper, since May 2019 and I've always been very interested in this community and this company. At the moment, I'm involved in several projects at Forall Family, namely on our blog, focusing on opinion articles on sustainability.

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