Learn How to Calibrate Your iPhone Battery

05 March 2019

Learn How to Calibrate Your iPhone Battery

Learn How to Calibrate Your iPhone Battery

Over time, it is normal for your iPhone to tend to decrease its performance and present some problems, such as battery life. one of the most common. How many times have you heard someone say that they have ?a bad battery?? Maybe you've already said this yourself. Don't despair, the solution to your problem may involve a simple calibration. But how?

The iPhone battery calibration process is basic, although it takes a few hours. However, it not only helps resolve already affected batteries, but also prevents new ones from getting damaged. In short, it is basically charging up to 100% and then unloading. Follow these steps:

  • Let your iPhone battery drain completely. Even if it turns off, turn it on again several times until it is be completely spent. If you want to speed up this step, do things that use battery power, such as turning on the flashlight, turning the brightness to maximum or playing an online game;
  • It is advisable to let your iPhone ?sleep? at 0% battery for a few hours. This step is optional, because it is a bit inconvenient;
  • With 0% battery, connect your iPhone to the charger and, without moving it (you will having to give up Instagram for a few hours), or even with it turned off, let it charge completely, up to 100%. It is advisable that you leave it charging even after it reaches the 100% limit, so you can always do this process while you sleep;
  • Disconnect your iPhone from the charger and restart it, making sure it continues to show the maximum load after you do this. If this is not the case, connect it to the charger again, wait for it to charge to maximum and repeat this step;
  • Use your iPhone normally until the battery runs out and charge it again until you have full charge.
    After these steps it is expected that you will see improvements in the behavior of your iPhone's battery and its duration. To keep your battery healthy, it is recommended that you do a full charge cycle once every 6 weeks.

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    Hello! I'm Iúri Ferreira and I joined Forall as an ambassador at the end of September 2018. I'm taking a degree in Marketing at ESTG-IPL.

    Communication, technology and innovation are three things that I have a great passion for, which is why I accepted the challenge of joining the Tech area of ??the Forall blog.

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