Is Sustainability in Fashion?

12 May 2021

Is Sustainability in Fashion?

Is Sustainability in Fashion?

Sustainability is in fashion. And when it comes to consumption, this is an increasingly valued issue. Organizations and consumers began to adopt consumption habits aimed at reducing the negative impact of production at environmental and social levels.

However, this new way of looking at consumption has proven to be a double-edged sword. If, on the one hand, true progress towards making industries sustainable, on the other there are those who take advantage of the circumstances to create in consumers a false sense of ethical and environmental awareness.

A Greenwashing appears as an advertising, campaigns and speecheseco-friendlypromotion strategy span style="font-weight: 400;"> which, in reality, are not. In this sense, it is important to be aware of the fact that, with regard to < i>marketing of organizations, it is often easy to be misled.

That said, we must recognize the merit of the true progress achieved in promoting a greener present and future. Namely, with regard to the Fashion Industry, it is increasingly common to invest in conscious alternatives. A fast-fashion begins to give way to preference for storesvintage and second-hand, as well as friendly production processes of the environment. But is Sustainability in Fashion?

The fashion industry continues to be one of the most polluting in the world. It is estimated that the amount of greenhouse gases emitted exceeds the total amount caused by international flights and maritime navigation. It is also responsible for the excessive use of chemicals and pesticides, and , in terms of waste production, it causes 20% of the world's wastewater.

More than 100 billion pieces are produced annually. And, in Portugal, around 200 thousand tons of clothes are thrown away every year.This is an inconceivable rate, and in the long term it will be catastrophic. It's time for a change! Reversing this trend depends on adopting new habits and there are countless alternatives. Here's what everyone can do for Fashion and the planet:

Reducing consumption at this time is a priority. When buying, it is very important to know how to distinguish what is really needed .Less is more. For this reason, you should choose higher quality pieces that last longer.

Support ethical brands

A huge step towards Sustainable Fashion. There are more and more brands that propose to comply not only with the ethical principles of respect for the community, but also to reduce the environmental impact of production as much as possible. One suggestion is to opt for small brands, which in addition to prioritizing relationships with suppliers and local labor, do not use processes and materials with a negative impact.

Capsule Wardrobe

Following the reduction in consumption, a very practical and useful concept emerges. adopting a Capsule Wardrobe consists of selecting a small number of timeless pieces that can be easily combined with each other. In this way, waste is avoided and hours of frustration in front of the wardrobe without knowing it come to an end. what to wear.


For clothes that have been lying around and are still in excellent condition. There are more and more organizations and stores interested in collecting it to give it a new home.


It is possible to take advantage of old clothes and transform them. There are lots of tips on how to do this on the Internet, and even For those who do not have a natural talent, there is always the possibility of turning to sewing ateliers. From embroidering, cutting, painting, dyeing, it will be difficult to choose.

If the pieces still have life, they need to prolong it - becauseSustainability is a trend that never goes out of fashion.

Author: Inês Ponciano

Reviewed by: André Castro

About the Author:

I joined Forall Family as Shaper< /i> in March 2020. Since then I have been involved in different projects that have allowed me to develop new skills. In September of the same year I joined the Worldo project, as a member of the Marketing & Social Media. I love communicating and exploring topics related to Sustainability.

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