Is Social Responsibility the Hook to Attract Millennials?

05 March 2019

Is Social Responsibility the Hook to Attract Millennials?

Is Social Responsibility the Hook to Attract Millennials?
we are faithful to ?our? values.

For companies we are Tchallenge. It's not difficult to get us to look at your business, the difficulty is in retaining us. Our requirements are different from previous generations? We are demanding and natural influencers, which is why companies chase our loyalty.

I believe, therefore, that if we ask for an ethical, consistent and humanistic business culture, it will be given to us.

There are already several studies that prove what was suspected: for the millennial generation, when they have to choose, the rule is the purpose and socio-environmental impact come first!

This same generation considers that companies are still more focused on their own agenda than on helping to transform the world. This same generation also believes that companies should focus more on people and not just their products ? they are looking too inward and too little outward.< /span>

There are certain changes that are already taking place, mainly in terms of management and waste reduction. Companies adopt recycling habits, combat excessive printing on paper and call for non-use of disposable plastic cups in coffee or water machines. But it takes more than this!

Some companies are already going further, with a view to social solidarity, carrying out fundraising and volunteering initiatives. But it still takes more than this!

It is necessary to demonstrate a commitment with the promotion of change in society and not just a comprehensive vision of efficiency savings and specific social support.

Compared to other generations, millennials are concerned about a greater number of social issues, including the environment, but also human rights, hunger and poverty, education and economic development. As this generation of mine grew up in the era of globalization, we see organizations as powerful catalysts for change and our expectations are that companies will be able to find solutions to these problems and not make them worse.

Thus, a millennial is more likely to be loyal to a brand, product or service if the organization's mission is clear inmaking the world a better place. If this commitment is evident. If the pursuit of social and ethical values ??is evident. If thepractices are evident!

We, millennials, want to see what your company does to improve people's living conditions and to leave a truly positive impact on generations. SO THAT WE CAN ALLY WITH THIS! Not just what your company does with its product or service. Not just in relation to social problems where your brand can reach. But in any social problem, even if they are outside your company's supplies.

We, millennials, hope that all companies, in the very near future, will be able to think beyond profit and assume a commitmentcontinuous with society.

Companies that demonstrate commitment in the long term, by implementing platforms to manage their social responsibility policies, they will outperform others on all fronts: talent acquisition, productivity and adherence.

Social values ??are increasingly important when selecting a company or product. There is only one question that remains to be clarified. There is a fine line and it is where many companies manage to hide. Where does social support become social responsibility measures?

Think social, change the rules!

Rafaela de Melo

Sources: Deloitte, Expresso Emprego, HR Portugal, InfoRH , Observer< /p>


About Me


Hello! My name is Rafaela, I'm 21 years old, I have a degree in Social Work and will soon start my master's degree in Social Economics.

What I like most is communicating and learning, which leads me to get involved in projects in the most diverse areas: that's why I'm at Forall Phones!

I have been an ambassador since May 2018 and in June I joined the Blog Team, being responsible for the Forall Social theme.

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