Intrapreneurship: The Culture of the 21st Century

05 March 2019

Intrapreneurship: The Culture of the 21st Century

Intrapreneurship: The Culture of the 21st Century

How many stories have there been in recent months about companies that have created social centers for their employees? Or about the groups of workers who discovered a certain method?

I could even list a thousand and one international giants that made the cover of the biggest business newspapers exactly for this reason, but that's not what matters today.

What matters is that in the 21st century, and it is about time, employees are no longer seen as mere ?providers of agreed services? and have gained power to present their ideas and put them into practice within the own company. It is also important that, after 40 years of technology in our daily lives, expectations remain high and the sky seems to be the limit.

But let's treat things as they should be!

Intra-entrepreneurship: the modern management strategy for innovative companies, with the aim of increasing their competitiveness and internal dynamics.

The advantages of this new business ?culture? are multiple and obvious: workers feel more involved, which gives them greater personal fulfillment; Companies, in turn, taking advantage of the greater autonomy and proactivity of their employees, generate new business ideas that, at times, can be decisive for their success.

But projects created through the ?extra? work of employees are not always related to the company?s activity. This type of strategy is called spin-off intrapreneurship (spin-off: company created from another, thus ceasing to belong to the latter).

In fact, these cases are more frequent than you might imagine and, to understand this, just think about Forall itself: a company created with the aim of selling semi-used cell phones that has already planted three thousand trees.

Intrapreneurship is an innovative strategy that can completely transform the results of any business, there is no doubt about that! But, for this to be possible, each manager must have the ability to motivate their workers, creating a decentralized power structure and encouraging them to really enjoy what their profession is.

Improve every day. Create impact

Daniela Cardoso

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