If You Choose Portugal, Take Care of It

01 September 2020

If You Choose Portugal, Take Care of It

If You Choose Portugal, Take Care of It

The pandemic has led and is leading many families and companies to a Forced change of several aspects that once seemed banal, but which are essential to preventing the spread of the virus. Some of the areas in which these changes are most evident are tourism and restaurants. These are areas on which the wealth produced in the country depends greatly. Portugal can be proud of being a small country and yet, tremendously diverse and with huge tourist options. There's everything!

Some restrictions on the movement of people, closed borders, mandatory testing, among other reasons, gave strength to the many Portuguese tourists who took advantage of this year to take vacation in our country. In particular, one tourist destination has stood out tremendously: the Peneda-Gerês National Park. This area represents a very large area of ??natural, historical and cultural heritage. Visits, mainly by young people, to the lagoons and waterfalls that are so characteristic of the area have become increasingly common. synonymous with almost unparalleled natural purity and beauty. The Park andrural tourism are in fashion and it is a ?paradise? so close to us. Furthermore, the large crowds at beaches, swimming pools and water parks are avoided, something strongly advised by the DGS. How not to enjoy it?

However, as with everything in life, no one must forget that spaces like this are uniquely rich, but very s strong>sensitive to climate change, which is plaguing us and will plague us more and more if nothing is done. Every year, Portugal has very serious problems with fires, which can be caused by nature itself, by the (dis)organization of the territory or by poor care on the part of people , when it comes to butts and rubbish, mainly plastics, which are in almost everything we buy. Reports of garbage unduly left in lagoons, in forests and in parks are increasing. , awareness raising activities are carried out among tourists... Perhaps more is needed, such as providing (even) more recycling bins, bins strong> and warning signs at the various most visited points. A suggestion is made, of course?

Those who think that there is no spread of the coronavirus are also mistaken. >, while you are on the mountain. If dozens or hundreds of people are around the same areawithout the basic precautions of social distancing and wearing a mask, of course there is potential, as in any other space.

Excessive car circulation is also a new problem. The park's restaurants, cafes and other services have had more customers than ever before, however, as there is increasingly more traffic on national roads and in towns, pollution in the park is causing increase and, if nothing is done, higher order problems may arise. Will, over time, restrictions have to be imposed on vehicle circulation, similar to the Arrábida Natural Park? I hope it doesn't have to come to that point, but that possibility could very well exist, if the next summers continue at this rate.

Spaces like these can and should be enjoyed by tourists. However, as always, we call for moderation, care and respect for the inhabitants, for the >nature and bytourists themselves, because pollution also affects them, obviously. It is always possibleto enjoy the best that each tourist destination has to offer us, without ourimpact being more negative than positive . Basic things, like collecting and recycling trash, saving water, are imperative and necessary for a Portugal that classifies itself and wants to be developed. Furthermore, in order to combatclimate change, it will become increasingly more critical that environmental awareness measures be taken and that this strong>subject be thoroughly taught and discussed, if you don't want to lose natural habitats, quality gastronomy and typicality of the locations, which are some of the great marks of Portugal as a tourist destination.

Author: Manuel Cruz

Reviewed by: Mário Castro

About the Author:

Manuel Cruz, 21 years old, Economics student.

I've been part of the Forall Family, as a Shaper, since May 2019 and I've always been very interested in this community and this company. At the moment, I am involved in several Forall Family projects, namely on our blog, focusing on opinion articles on sustainability. I love writing and reading!

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