How to Stay Active During Quarantine? Here Are Some Ideas!

26 March 2020

How to Stay Active During Quarantine? Here Are Some Ideas!

How to Stay Active During Quarantine? Here Are Some Ideas!

Portugal is in prophylactic isolation, which is like #Quarantine and it is easy to forget routines and lose track of time, even for those who are teleworking.

We want you not to forget what's really important in your day-to-day life, so we've compiled some strategies you can adopt to make your isolation easier and healthier.< /span>

1- Establish schedules

This is a strategy we will always struggle with. It's easy to lose track of time when you're at home and it can even lead to complications in terms of sleep disorders, among other problems.

Maintaining/establishing a normal schedule helps our body know what to do and regulate itself throughout the day. Try your best to wake up in daylight and fall asleep when it's night, the body needs to regulate itself and the easiest way is the most natural. Also avoid sleeping more hours than normal for an adult (8 hours). Excessive sleep may prove to be counterproductive.

Of course, everything becomes easier if you have access to all this data, so we leave you with a suggestion: The Xiaomi Mi Band 4, which allows you to control and analyze everything you do throughout the day and thus know perfectly where you can improve. You're sure to find lots of details you didn't know about yourself and your lifestyle.

This Smartbandintegrates with an application, Mifit, which you can download directly from the Apple Store to your iPhoneor iPad< /strong>and thus have access to all data, in real time!

2- Don't forget to exercise

Have you been exercising? You may not even realize it, but a sedentary lifestyle causes muscles to atrophy and lose muscle mass, which is so important for our body. Fat mass also has the opportunity to increase, which is not beneficial at all.

You should try your best to stay active, as the quarantine is here to stay for the next few months.

Fortunately, you can take advantage of the wave of live training initiatives that are emerging on social media. Well, there are influencersPortuguese women like Helena Coelho and several gyms like Holmes place and Fitness hut that have created online live training movements so that you can, every day, catch up on exercise and not neglect your healthy lifestyle.

Connect your iPhone < /a>or if you prefer a larger screen, the iPad, place the your bluetooth headphones or coluna and freely take advantage of the training that social networks have to offer!< /span>

Best of all? In the end, you can have an exact idea of ??the calories you lost and other very important training metrics, through your Xiaomi Miband 4!

3- Don?t neglect your diet

If we didn't talk about food, it wouldn't even count. Well, we know that staying at home orders Netflix and Chill on your Macbook and junk food, but you can't let yourself go every day with this habit.

Set schedules for your meals and stick to them, discover healthy and balanced recipes online. Remember that you are spending few calories at home, so the calories you eat will have to be in line with what you spend.

Go to the kitchen, put the music on your bluetooth speaker and explore your cooking skills. Who knows if you might become a Chef? The internet is full of practical options and videos that you can watch on your iPhone and replicate at home!

4- Take off your pajamas

It may seem nonsense but it's super important! How do you want to replicate your normal day-to-day life and give a boost to your lifestyle during quarantine if you wear your pajamas at home?< /p>

You can always be comfortable in a tracksuit or even wear normal clothes and you will see that it will make all the difference psychologically!

The important thing is to feel good but also to have the feeling that you have to continue being productive and... we all know that Pajamas are lazy.

5- Avoid working or studying on the sofa

Are you teleworking or studying? Don't sit on the sofa. Firstly, you will be associating a place of rest and relaxation with work and secondly, there is a high probability of breaking your Flow and productivity!

Build yours Teleworking kit or study at a table, place your Macbook < /a>at a good time so that you don't have back problems in the future and focus.

When it's time to rest, then enjoy the sofa or armchair with your gadgets favorites.

6- Make the most of windows and balconies

It is true that you cannot leave the house or that these exits should be minimized as much as possible, but fortunately there are windows and some lucky people even have balconies, terraces or gardens. Make the most of these little pleasures in life and take the opportunity to get some air through the window.

7- Social distancing, digital approach

Yes, we are isolated. But we are just a touch away! Give another use to the incredible front camera of your iPhoneand make Videocalls with your friends and family often!

Seeing the face and hearing the voice of those who make us happy is super important at this time. More than ever, Social media is the best way to keep up with what?s around us. So, get involved and make the most of what social media can give you! Stay active outside and inside your iPhone.

With so much Social media, if you run out of battery you know? we have wireless chargers and Wireless powerbanksincredible with energy to give and sell.

8- Discover new hobbies

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If it's not now, I don't know when it will be. This is the time to discover all those passions that you still don't know about, to try new things like Yoga, painting, meditation, cooking... There are countless fun things you can try and best of all is that you can find them all Online.

You can start drawing in the different drawing Apps that exist for iPad, watch Yoga videos on YouTube or simply hang up, put on your phonese meditate on this moment we are living in. Our Xiaomi Airdotsthey will help you teleport to another dimension!

9- Don't forget to take care of the house

The laziness of being at home and the lack of vitality that this can cause, makes it more likely that you will be neglectful with tidying and cleaning but it should be exactly the opposite!

As you know, the cleaner your home is, the less likely the coronavirus is to survive and we all continue to receive orders from outside, go to the supermarket or take care of priority matters, far from home.

So keep your home as clean as possible and make housework a dynamic family activity. Establish a cleaning schedule so that it never stops happening and this is always another way to be active.

10- Online Purchase

This is simple but it couldn't be missed. Just because you're at home doesn't mean you can't buy what you want.
Most stores nowadays also have online store and , as you know, the post office and carriers are still operating.

Forall Phones has a store 24 hours open for you and offers shipping on orders over ?25! We want you to stay at home but still be able to order what you want in the most comfortable way.

We want you to know that we have doubled our care in sanitizing and disinfection of our equipment and that we have developed special labels so that both you and the courier, know how to handle the order and minimize as much as possible the risk of contagion!

Watch our video about these new implementations here.

Let's take a Sprint in this #quarantine, stay active and you won't even notice how long it takes passed!

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