How to check your iPhone's battery health?

07 July 2022

How to check your iPhone's battery health?

How to check your iPhone's battery health?

After all the controversy over the discovery that iOS reduces the iPhone's performance when the battery is worn out, Apple promised to include an option for the user in the system choose when (or not) you want performance to suffer, in addition to a more transparent analysis of the battery status.

How can we check the health of our battery on iPhone?

Battery settings have gained an additional menu, called ?Battery Health?.

In this menu, you can see the current maximum capacity of the battery and, if it is less than 80%, the system starts to reduce the battery performance of the processor to keep the device turned on.

Apple calls this option ?Performance Management?. In this case, a discreet option will appear for the user to turn off performance management, if they want the performance to remain original.

iPhone Battery

However, it is important to note a few things:

Performance management is initially turned off by default - it will only be activated if your iPhone experiences an unexpected restart.

If you manually turn off performance management and the device turns off again unexpectedly, the feature is automatically reactivated until you turn it off again

A Apple doesn't give much freedom to App Store applications to analyze hardware information, causing many of them to have wrong information about the true state of the battery.

Apps from the App Store show considerably different results than Apple's settings.

One ??of the most popular, Battery Life, proved to be inefficient in analyzing the physical state of the battery, presenting a percentage very different from the real one.

So we repeat what we've said here a few times: don't trust apps on the App Store that claim to analyze the physical state of your battery. They can't do what they promise and are only good for advertising banners.

If you have a worn-out battery, what about the autonomy of your iPhone it is no longer sufficient for your daily use, you can trust the replacement to Forall Phones, where we carry out quality repairs.

In addition to quality and low prices, the average time to replace a battery in Forall Phones is 30 minutes. You won't even miss your iPhone, and with a 100% battery, so you can get the most out of your iPhone again.

Go to the repair page Forall Phones, or in one of our physical stores!

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