High School is Over, Now What Does the Future Hold?

05 March 2019

High School is Over, Now What Does the Future Hold?

High School is Over, Now What Does the Future Hold?

?How many times do I find myself locked inside four walls without knowing how to get out, without knowing where to go or what to do? Everything because the world around me doesn?t understand me.?

Since childhood, we have all, at some point, imagined ourselves in the future, doing what we love most and achieving our goals. dreams. However, as we approach this reality, we realize that there are important steps to take and decisions to make, one of which worries us most is: ?what are we going to do when secondary school ends??. And, with each passing moment, we feel more and more misunderstood, confused and, sometimes, even a little angry. Everything around us seems to happen ?in reverse?, it seems like nothing is going right and we feel suffocated.

We live in a world where we are constantly approached with this topic and pressured to make decisions about it. However, everyone wants to make decisions for us; The job market is more competitive with each passing day and we depend on it to build our future. And this pressure leads us to lose a little of our identity, the most valuable thing we have. We are encouraged to follow the canons of society, to be one more person working in companies at the top of the world leaders. They pressure us to be doctors, engineers or lawyers. We are told that we will never have a good future if we follow other paths. They forget that the most important characteristic that a Man can have is his ability to positively influence the ?world? that surrounds him.

However, at this point, one of the main things we have to be aware of is that this is not an irremediable decision. First of all, there are several paths that we can follow and none of them are definitive or wrong, as each experience will always be a new teaching. So the most important thing is to really get involved in something that motivates us, keeps us focused and influences the world positively.

But well, let's talk now about what is really being said in these moments. Is university the way forward? If yes, what course should I follow? What course can bring me a good future? Should I give up on my dreams? And so many other questions that cross our minds at this time. There is no answer for each of them, there is an answer for each of us. This is because, whenever we are faced with a dilemma, there is something very important that must always be present: we can change how we are, but not who we are.

So, the first question that always arises is: ?Is university the next step??. This is the option chosen by a large proportion of young people, however it does not have to be your option. Each of us must make our own path, always being aware of each step we take and that each choice will always bring its own benefits and consequences.

After this decision, if it concerns continuing studies, another doubt arises in our minds. And now, which course is best? Should I follow the one with the highest average? Should I follow what my parents tell me? All opinions are important because having different points of view only enriches us, although the attitude we take must come from ourselves. The course that will bring us a better future will be the one that makes us happy and that only we ourselves can identify, because only we know what we feel.

Finally, one last question arises: ?Will I have to give up all my childhood dreams to adapt to the reality of the current world and , at the end of all this, will I be just another person who followed the path of the others, who will have a diploma and with that look for happiness who knows where?? Well, that's up to each one of us to decide, being aware of our personality, our ideas and what we can do for others, but you can count on us, that will be the subject of our next text.

However, never forget something: the best quality of a Man is the ability he has to influence the world around him.

We end up with the following sentence:

?Almost everyone can be what the majority is
Which is to be nothing
Most just because they are what everyone else is
< span>They end up being just one more person
Among so many people
Who don?t even know who they are?
To be you have to feel? ? Deau

Eduarda Pinto & Eduardo de Melo

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