Green Fest - The Biggest Sustainability Event in the Country

05 March 2019

Green Fest - The Biggest Sustainability Event in the Country

Green Fest - The Biggest Sustainability Event in the Country

Well, environmental sustainability has been strengthening its position in society and < span style="font-weight: 400;">now (as if to say, because it is already in its 11th edition in Lisbon) it even has right to an event. Yes, I'm telling you about Greenfest, one of the biggest events within the Portuguese space dedicated to sustainability taking place in Estoril, from October 11th to 14th.

In addition to sustainability, there is talk of entrepreneurship, from advances in technology and digital economy b> relating them to the principles of rationalization of means and resources and also promoting a Circular, Social and Sharing Economy.

With a very appealing program, topics linked to nanotechnology will be discussed, for example, with an approach close to current trends and promoting greater visibility of projects and initiatives by companies and visionary minds. In addition to these, we also have, like other editions, outdoor family activities and initiatives linked to well-being, health screenings, energy efficiency workshops and, something that attracts many of the hundreds of visitors, the possibility of testing hybrid and electric cars. You can also adopt, responsibly, one of the animals in need of a family to welcome them.

For four days you cannot miss this awakening to current topics related to sustainability and the convergence of emerging ideas. As the organization itself defines,greenfest is an event for the whole family and transversal to society. You can't lose it!

You can find out more at


About Me


Heyy! I'm Raquel Fernandes, I'm an ambassador for Forall Phones and I study Economics.
I'm passionate about causes that go beyond us as people and that affect us as a society and nature and its wonders. For this reason, I am a natural defender of our Planet because we must safeguard it!


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