From the Green Robot to the Apple - Part I

05 March 2019

From the Green Robot to the Apple - Part I

From the Green Robot to the Apple - Part I
phones, both Android and the reason is relatively easy to explain: iPhones were (and still are) expensive and money didn't stretch in these directions. The Androids I had were perfect for what I did with them, even though I always looked at the top of the range ones that came in magazines with my mouth watering and a ?I wish I were rich? going through my head.

However, I was always curious to know what it was like to have an iPhone, to know if its fame corresponded to what the brand offered and, above all, if the Prices, which seemed a bit unusual to me, made sense. And that's how I came up with the idea of, for two weeks, swapping my humble Xiaomi with 3GB of RAM for an iPhone and using it in my day-to-day life.

The chosen one was the iPhone 7 Plus, lovingly provided by Forall Phones, with a huge 128GB of storage and the 3GB of RAM that my Xiaomi already offered me (but not in the same way)!

In my first contact with this little animal, I just prayed to all the saints that I wouldn't let it fall. After all, I had in my hands ?539 (Forall price) in the form of a beautiful cell phone, with a fascinating design, but which seemed to me like it was going to be destroyed at any moment. The usual when you have a new cell phone?

The first minutes

I started it, configured it my way, installed the applications necessary for my day-to-day life (social networks, photo editors, productivity tools, financial applications, etc.) and was ready to use. The truth is that during this configuration process and the like, I was absolutely amazed by the fluidity that the cell phone offered, whether installing apps and opening them, or switching between them, multi-tasking, for lack of a better word, extraordinary. . As for performance, the iPhone was already there and my Xiaomi was tidy, as expected.

The camera

Next, I tried what I was most looking forward to: the camera. Looking at the features of the two rear cameras that the iPhone 7 Plus offers, my expectations were high. Being a photography aficionado, a cell phone with a good camera is essential and I must say that after some walks in which I subjected the iPhone camera to various tests (photos in low/high light, close up photos, far away photos, optical zoom vs digital zoom, portrait mode, slow motion video, etc.), I was amazed. The result was photos with exquisite detail, vivid colors and very close to reality, enhanced with a depth effect that gives a professional touch to the photos, selfies that boost self-esteem and 4K videos that are simply incredible and fluid, thanks to its stabilizer. of image. Again, Apple exceeded my expectations. You can find my test results here.

Not everything was easy

However, as not everything can be positive, it was also on my first day of use that I came across an obstacle. As usual, at night I made a playlist on YouTube with videos to watch while lying in bed. I lay down, reached for my earphones and when trying to insert them into the headphone jack, which I was so used to, reality hit me: the iPhone 7 Plus doesn't have a headphone jack. I didn't have a 3.5mm Lightning-jack adapter, so all I had to do was pick up my trusty Xiaomi companion, this one with a headphone jack, and watch my videos, while my iPhone was left in a corner.< /p>

The operating system

As for the operating system, adaptation was relatively easy. There are many differences compared to the Android system, but in some ways iOS ends up being more intuitive, even for someone using it for the first time. Things seem to belong there and are easy to find, with no learning curve whatsoever. Furthermore, and entering more geekyfields , something that captivated me about the iPhone was the remarkable work that the software and the hardware team hardware from Apple execute together, bringing features to their mobile phones, such as 3D Touch, which are without a shadow of a doubt incomparable and genius. The simple fact that its display has enough intelligence to sense and distinguish pressure levels, responding differently to each one, is absolutely incredible and something that distances Apple from Android on the innovation front.

To summarize this first part, the iPhone proved to be a magnificent cell phone, excellently equipped and affordable. Don't miss the second part, right here, on Forall's blog!


About Me


Hello! I'm Iúri Ferreira and I joined Forall as an ambassador at the end of September 2018. I'm taking a degree in Marketing at ESTG-IPL.

Communication, technology and innovation are three things that I have a great passion for, which is why I accepted the challenge of joining the Tech area of ??the Forall blog.

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