Free Apps to Help You Find Inner Peace

05 March 2019

Free Apps to Help You Find Inner Peace

Free Apps to Help You Find Inner Peace
On this international Yoga day, Forall Phones decided to bring together the best applications to help you combat everyday stress, be happy and healthy.


    This app will make yoga part of your routine. From programs for beginners to advanced, there is a whole variety of exercises you can try.

    Making yoga simple can be difficult, but this app does it. With different positions and 20, 40 and 60 minute classes you can become a yoga pro!

    Meditation and Zen

    Guided meditations, breathing techniques and more. Let go of your anxiety and relax.

    The ideal app for beginners in the world of Yoga. All you need is to dedicate 10 minutes of your day... Believe me, it makes a difference!

    The name says it all, this is the app that will help you relax after an exhausting day at work. With sessions ranging from 3 to 25 minutes, this app is everything you need to become a new person.

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