Forall Retreat - A Weekend Connected with Nature

05 March 2019

Forall Retreat - A Weekend Connected with Nature

Forall Retreat - A Weekend Connected with Nature

Our community organized an event last October, in Coruche, which aimed to disconnect us from technology and connect with nature and the people in our community.

In today's world, where technology is the center of everything, where smartphones are increasingly improved, The biggest challenge is knowing how to disconnect from the virtual world. Increasingly, the interactions and information we receive are greater, which means that every minute there is a need to go to social networks, post photos in real time and check emails. In other words, we live in an era where it is necessary to be online to ?interact? with people. It may seem strange, how a company that is related to technology is willing to take a weekend and not touch cell phones, computers, etc. However, if we think about it, it is extremely important for human beings to understand that before technology existed, people lived in the same way and lived well.

It is also important to understand that we have to be more connected with ourselves, with nature, with life itself, so that you can guarantee fullness and quality of life.

Of course, technology is part of our lives and in today's world it is our daily bread< /em>, but technology has to be used to do good things, always knowing when to disconnect. And as we can see from the testimonies of two shapers who participated in this event, it was undoubtedly an event to repeat and one that brought even more unity within our community, with the exclusion of technological equipment leading the family to enjoy the moment more and better.

Testimony Helena Neves:

It was an exceptional weekend where I had the opportunity to spend time with Shapers from Forall Phones, but also full-time staff . The objective was to spend two days without technology, in the middle of nature and full of activities to get to know each other better. I had the opportunity to meet incredible people, who I want to keep in touch with and who knows, maybe work with them. The unity between everyone was remarkable and I hope to repeat a weekend like this again!

Testimony Tatiana Filipa:

I was once told that when we reach the age of assuming responsibilities, 90% of our time is spent not doing what we we like and the remaining 10% doing what we really like. Today, I find myself saying that I got lucky, the luck of being happy 7 days a week and being able to say that I work with wonderful people in a place that fosters unity, friendship and commitment, as the engine of success. .

Proof of this, it was the 26th of October 2018, which brought with it the holding of Forall Retreat, an event the which I had the opportunity to be part of and bring unforgettable stories with me.

Firstly, I would like to congratulate the organizing team. The dynamics were excellent and, without a shadow of a doubt, were a key factor in good moments of companionship and great happiness. We had the opportunity to spend 3 incredible days with some surprises such as the 100% vegan regime taught by our vegan master Mafalda Amarelo. Doing meditation, and games that required teamwork, excellently thought out and executed by our dear Silvia. And never forgetting the memorable concerts given every dawn, where even the deepest voice released a falsetto.

It's moments like these, with a family like this, that fill my heart with pride. It is true that individuality will never be privileged here, as there is nothing stronger than a united group and Forall Family is proof of this.

To all shapers and full-time teams, I strongly advise you to actively participate in all the opportunities that ForAll provides you, as I guarantee you that you left with the greatest feeling of accomplishment.

In short, I lack words that demonstrate how grateful I am for the entire experience and for everyone's ability of you making me feel at home.

In conclusion, I issue you a challenge! Try turning off your cell phone for a day and just dedicating yourself to yourself. Believe me, it will be strange but at the same time it will be pleasurable because you will be more connected to thereal world.


About Me


Hello! My name is Tania Arraiolos, I'm 25 years old, I have a degree in Anthropology and an almost master's degree in Evolution and Human Biology.

I love walking, seeing new places, new people, cooking, I love animals, my friends and my family. These are the perfect ingredients to belong to the forall family.

I have been an ambassador since January 2018 and in June I joined the Blog Team, being responsible for the Forall Family theme.


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