Follow the World Cup on Your iPhone

05 March 2019

Follow the World Cup on Your iPhone

Follow the World Cup on Your iPhone

As we all know, the 2018 Football World Cup is counting down and we all hope to see our nation achieve historic feats just like what happened at the European Championship.

The sad reality for the Portuguese people is that this year the World Cup will take place in Russia and the time difference doesn't help us much.

In this twenty-first edition of this global event organized by FIFA (International Football Federation) nothing is left to chance, and for those who (like us Portuguese) will not be able to follow all the games here is a little help with some applications that will help us keep up to date with all games and results in real time.

2018 FIFA World Cup Russia?

World Cup App: Russia 2018

Onefootball Soccer News


Article by All Things Apple -

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