Female Entrepreneurship

05 March 2019

Female Entrepreneurship

Female Entrepreneurship

?The world of men?

The most common definition for the business world?. It seems like management and high salaries weren't made for women, don't you think?

Mothers and housewives, it has been instilled in them for hundreds of years that a good woman would be one who satisfies, more efficiently, meet your family's needs.

But times change and high heels have more and more power in companies!

Statistical data prove that women nowadays have a greater presence and better performance in higher education and, in addition, , are endowed with extremely important characteristics for the job market: organization, agility, dynamism and critical thinking.

In fact, our country is not doing badly when it comes to this subject: according to the 2nd edition of < /span>Mastercard Index for Female Entrepreneurship, Portugal integrates the top 10 of markets with the best opportunities for women entrepreneurs.

In addition, Portugal is also served by a series of programs that support and encourage female entrepreneurship:

EU Innovative Women Award

A European-wide competition that aims to distinguish women who have created successful businesses in the field of science and brought innovation to the market.

In 2016, the first prize of 100 thousand euros was awarded to Susana Sargento, co-founder of spin-off Veniam.

Fame Program

A national program that seeks to support the insertion of women into the job market, through the creation of their own company . This program not only offers financial support, but also offers training to these entrepreneurs and support throughout the first years of the company's life.

Exchange Project ? Activate Female Entrepreneurship

Its objective is to promote emigrant female entrepreneurship through sharing testimonies from other women or through agreements with local organizations that work with emigrant women and women in situations of social exclusion.

The opportunities are endless! And, in a century of gender equality, opportunities and responsibilities, women are also prepared to take on highly important business positions.

Improve every day. Create impact

Daniela Cardoso

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