
05 March 2019



Since Forall Phones emerged, it has always shown a focus on social and environmental responsibility. There have already been several articles where we have discussed our objectives and purpose, which goes far beyond just a simple product.

Our true goal is, through young and innovative entrepreneurship, to leave our mark on the world, while playing an active role in society and We encourage others to do the same ? to reduce the impacts of their activities and adopt more positive attitudes towards our environment and society.

So, in this sense, I bring you some eco alternatives of utensils that we use on a daily basis, so that you too can make a difference in each action, acting towards a society less dependent on plastic. They are:

    • Reusable bags (preferably cloth). It is estimated that 80% of all ocean trash is made up of plastics, with a large part of this number due to commerce and super and hypermarkets. Well, the option of using reusable bags is the most sustainable and the most cool that you can fix. You can buy it ready to use, or buyto customize it. The Environment thanks you whatever your choice. Forall Phones also has its version! ?

    • Bamboo Cotton Swabs. Did you know about its existence? Well, these cotton swabs are biodegradable (in a few months are no longer a problem!) and are therefore one of the best alternatives to common plastic cotton swabs. This means that we will no longer have cottontes in the ocean, polluting our seas and killing countless species. And do you know how cotton swabs end up in the ocean? Due to the majority of the population putting them down the toilet without the slightest awareness. And this is how they infiltrate the food chain, until they reach us where their impacts manifest themselves on public health.

    • Bamboo brush. Like cotton swabs, the bamboo version for brushes is more sustainable and is also degradable in the short term. The usual plastic brushes may seem like a minor problem, but they also contribute to ascary reality. Let's see, if everyone changes their brush every three months (a period normally recommended by professionals in the field) we have an average of 4 brushes per year. If we multiply by the 10.32 million inhabitants of our country(1), it is not difficult to imagine the amount of plastic coming from a utensil that may seem, at first, insignificant.

    • Luffas. If up until now we have talked about alternatives that you may have already heard of, I believe that now I present something new for the majority. Luffa is a vine that serves as an alternative to the traditional plastic sponge (who knew?!), for washing your dishes or even for taking a bath. Once dry, the fruit performs its functionality perfectly and you can plant it yourself in your backyard after finding the seeds (you can buy online or ask from horticultural communities and groups, for example). You can also find it ready-made in health food stores. As it is entirely of plant origin, there are few environmental harms.

      • Reusable coffee capsules. Few people live without their cup of coffee, especially in the morning. Data from Zero Waste Europe indicate that 15 thousand Millions of coffee capsules were sold around the world in 2015. In Portugal, 43% of residents on the continent had a coffee machine at home. capsule coffee, according to Marktest (2013). And all this is reflected in millions of disposable capsules going to waste, as soon as they have been used once. In various colors and shapes, plastic or stainless steel solutions (preferably) are more sustainable and you can purchase yours online.

      • Solid Shampoo. This is another alternative to industrialized and packaged shampoos from super and hypermmarkets. We can find several versions, in different colors and produced using different components ? from natural and essential oils to clays or sodium bicarbonate. In addition to being more durable, they are more practical for travel, less polluting and do not involve plastic! As these products are ?cruelty free?, we are sure that they have not been tested on animals and therefore, in addition to the environment, you also save animals.

  • Semi-New/Refurbished Smartphones. We've already talked about them a lot. We believe you've already heard about its advantages but, succinctly, its biggest advantage is that you give a new life to a new smartphone, with the original producer parts and fully operational (always with warranty) and still save your wallet. Forall Phones is available to help you in this field, where you can purchase your model in one of our stores (Porto and Lisbon) or, in your home, through our website

Analyzing and understanding the impacts of what we do makes us have a clear idea of ??what we can and what makes sense to change. Small actions, changed by each of us, have a HUGE impact on everyone's well-being and on a future that is shared with our beloved planet.

? We start from small actions that we believe have, on their scale, a positive impact on mentalities and, consequently, on the World?
José Costa Rodrigues

Go green or go home!

Raquel Fernandes

(1)Data from 2016, according to the World Bank


About Me


Heyy! I'm Raquel Fernandes, I'm an ambassador for Forall Phones and I study Economics.
I'm passionate about causes that go beyond us as people and that affect us as a society and nature and its wonders. For this reason, I am a natural defender of our Planet because we must safeguard it!


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