Do You Know What Shoppable Content Is?

05 March 2019

Do You Know What Shoppable Content Is?

Do You Know What Shoppable Content Is?

We live in a digital era in which content (articles, videos, infographics, images) is increasingly seen as a decisive factor in the purchasing process in e-commerce. Seth Godin, author of business books and American speaker, has an explanation for this phenomenon: people don't want to buy goods and services, but rather relationships, stories and magic. And the marketers of our century are planting magic in the content they produce and cultivating it strategically in order to obtain a new crop of customers.

More and more companies are investing heavily in content that connects the consumer to a direct purchasing experience, appealing to and transforming online content consumption habits and the desire for immediate purchase that invades consumers. Engagement zones are thus built, where customers can relate to the brand, bringing brand moments closer to purchase moments.

Do you remember when you were leafing through a magazine, you saw something that you liked (clothes, gadgets, etc.) and you grew a desire to have it? Well, at that moment you were faced with shoppable content.

Nowadays we have access to an easier purchasing process that allows us to obtain whatever we want almost instantly (online, for example). There are dozens, or even hundreds, of products that pass in front of our eyes at every moment, in the form of content strategically placed to capture our attention and motivate purchases.

But shoppable content goes beyond that. Content marketing is no longer just about content as it used to be. As humans, we want to take advantage of what is presented to us in our daily lives (get education, entertainment, emotion, etc.) before perpetuating a purchase commitment. According to a study done by DemandGen,91% of buyers prefer dynamic, interactive and visual content.

A great example of this concept is Instagram and its recent sales capabilities within the application that allow us, through product tagging in content, such as Instagram stories or even traditional posts, to be redirected to a purchase page . In short, shoppable content is transforming the e-commerce landscape, allowing brands to be where their customers are. And the truth is that these customers have strong desires, demands and expectations regarding how products should be presented and how quickly they should be accessed. It is up to brands to exceed these expectations.

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