Choose YOUR Cause

05 March 2019

Choose YOUR Cause

Choose YOUR Cause

We often stop helping because we think that our contribution won't change anything, but why not think that my contribution will be one less step to count?< /span>

Why not help remembering that it's not just the responsibility of others?

Why not help believing that I won't be the only person?

Why not help and challenge others to do the same?

Forall is HELPING, but it is also PLANTING and DREAMING!

We, Forall Phones, not only want to generate a positive impact on society, we also wantto inspire yourself so that you can be an agent of contribution to the well-being of the community around you!

We have now launched a campaign that you can see as a partnership between you and Forall Phones! How is this possible? Very simple:

In our stores, in Lisbon and Porto, 3 bracelets are for sale at the price of ?2 each. There are 3 themes, 3 causes: social, environmental and economic. For each cause, we will support an institution that works in the area. You can choose your favorite color, the phrase you most identify with or the cause you want to associate yourself with. The amount of ?1.75 will go directly to the respective institution.

A Forall Social will support Dreamland. Have you heard of this organization?

A Terra dos Sonhos is a non-profit social organization that focuses onemotional empowerment of elderly people, children and young people realizing their dreams and showing that there are no limitations (and at Forall Phones we believe in UNLIMITED POSSIBILITIES, don't we?). span>

This IPSS aims to raise society's awareness of the importance of emotional health in people's quality of life and implement tools for psychological well-being in citizens whose physical or mental situation is find it especially weakened.

Founded in 2007, this organization has already fulfilled more than 600 dreams< span style="font-weight: 400;"> of elderly people, children and young people with chronic illnesses or institutionalized people, seeking to convey a message of hope, regardless of the circumstances.

And because the motto of Terra dos Sonhos is ?Dreaming is not enough. More is needed??, let?s not just deliver the monetary value we gather, let?s do more! Stay tuned and help us HELP make even more dreams come true!

Do you accept our partnership? Join the movement, whatever your cause!

Think social, change the rules!

Rafaela de Melo


About Me


Hello! My name is Rafaela, I'm 21 years old, I have a degree in Social Work and will soon start my master's degree in Social Economics.

What I like most is communicating and learning, which leads me to get involved in projects in the most diverse areas: that's why I'm at Forall Phones!

I have been an ambassador since May 2018 and in June I was responsible for writing about Forall Social.

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