Buying a Refurbished iPhone

05 March 2019

Buying a Refurbished iPhone

Buying a Refurbished iPhone

What is a refurbishediPhone?
A refurbished product requires that it undergoes disassembly, cleaning and repair/replacement of components ( generally defective) to later be reassembled and tested in order to be sold at a lower price. In the case of refurbishediPhones, all refurbished models come with a new battery and almost always external casing (chaci/LCD glass), regardless of whether these components were faulty or not .

Where did refurbished iPhones come from?You may have heard of this concept. Refurbished iPhones are one of the biggest trends in the European market! This product has been gaining more and more fame due to the increasing technological remnant of Apple products, its affordable price and environmental concern.

It is a very interesting product as not only is there a guarantee that the products are 100% functional but it also allows for substantial financial savings.

Where to buy refurbished iPhone? There are more and more companies dedicated to selling used and refurbished iPhones. In Portugal, Forall Phones is a leading company in the sale of Apple and Samsung products. Still don't know? Take the opportunity to see some of the products here

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