Am I a Socially Responsible Person?

05 March 2019

Am I a Socially Responsible Person?

Am I a Socially Responsible Person?

As a social person that I am, it cannot but be my responsibilityensure and preserve the well-being of others, seeking toreduce inequalities,establish justice and ensure sustainability.

I am a socially responsible person, if...

...I treat everyone as I would like them to treat me.

I'm not talking about opening the door, but about holding the door. I'm talking about friendliness, availability, attention, mutual help. And, above all, the recognition that all the others are also citizens like you. Therefore, you greet everyone, offer help to anyone and care about anyone. You extend not just one hand, but both!

...I question myself, I research, I discern and I use my voice.

It's the only way to move forward. Don't be satisfied with what you hear here and there. Don't just see one side. Don't support an opinion comfortably.

[Interrogate, research, discern and then?] Be the voice of large and small causes. Be the voice that deconstructs. Be the voice that denounces. Be the voice that raises awareness. Be the voice that doesn't remain silent. But, above all, be the voice that does it allwithout disrespect.

...I spend my time on causes.

Volunteer. Yes, regularly. Your day has 24 hours. Your week has 168 hours. Your month has 731 hours. Your year has 9766 hours. Do you really think you don't have a few free hours?

Choose your social or environmental cause, find your place, define your time. Spend it. Spend. The impact may seem small in your eyes, but it will always be beneficial and everything would be much more balanced if everyone spent a little like this.< /p>

...I contribute whenever I can and with everything I can.

Donations, a delicate issue. It is an issue that needs to be dedicated.

Unfortunately there are unfortunate cases. Fortunately, not all of them are. Unfortunately, happy projects are put in jeopardy because of the unhappy ones. He prefers to take risks with confidence and always contribute. Make donations. Be it monetary, be it in goods, be it in the IRS, be it in things you no longer use. But let them be! And don't be the one who needs it.

...I reduce, reject, repair, reuse and (finally) recycle.

Until now, it is still not possible to recycle all the waste you produce. Not even the one you rightly put in the recycling bin. What to do then? Less waste.

The best way to Reducingwaste is not even acquiring it. Pay attention to what is possiblereduce. Reject whatever you can (like straws, plastic cups, plates or cutlery). Repair what was damaged. Reuses over and over again (shopping bags, fruits and vegetables included). When THERE IS NO CHANCE, recycles everything.< /span>

...I worry about my ecological, carbon and water footprint.

No fear, small and progressive changes. But make a list now!

Start by finding out more about the family of footprints, do the calculations, reflect on your habits and face this mission. Look at these very simple examples: use public transport more, be selective in brands and products, reduce meat consumption, make the most of natural light and invest in renewable energy and low consumption appliances. ThisHouse is Common.

(I am a socially responsible person,I plant dates even though I know I won't harvest dates.)

Think social, change the rules!

Rafaela de Melo


About Me


Hello! My name is Rafaela, I'm 22 years old, I have a degree in Social Work and I'm doing a master's degree in Social Economics.

What I like most is communicating and learning, which leads me to get involved in projects in the most diverse areas: that's why I'm at Forall Phones!

I have been a community shaper since May 2018 and in June I joined the Blog Team, being responsible for the Forall Social theme.

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