A Letter from Ambassador to Ambassador

05 March 2019

A Letter from Ambassador to Ambassador

A Letter from Ambassador to Ambassador

Forall Phones is growing day by day and with this growth comes the need to expand our family. Did you know that we currently have more than 150 ambassadors in Portugal?! And what defines a Forall Phones ambassador? Being a talented young person, who is not afraid of the challenges proposed, who leaves his comfort zone and who exceeds expectations with each passing day.

When I signed up for the ambassador program, I confess that I thought I would just have to sell cell phones and that wouldn't go beyond that. Today, 6 months later, I write for a blog where I am Chief Editor! The truth is that they believed in me and my abilities. And like me, many other ambassadors are involved in challenging but incredible projects, because they have shown that they are excellent at what they do and that they overcome any challenge.

The Forall Family is growing by leaps and bounds and here we bet on the best of each person. Just do your best every day and believe that the best is yet to come. But be careful, don't wait for opportunities to come to you without doing anything for them. In Forall Phones, as in everything in life, it takes work, effort and dedication.

These are the essential ingredients for success.

I leave you here some testimonies from some ambassadors:

Eduardo Paulos (Ambassador)

?Today we are not just a group, we are a family. A family that can enhance your talent through challenging projects in the most diverse areas. A family that little by little conquers the global village where we live today?

Bernardo Pita (Team Leader)

?Forall Phones has been a platform for expansion not only professionally but also personally, I have felt a taste huge to collaborate with this startup, as opportunities always arise. ?Enjoy the journey?, is a phrase that I like to use on a daily basis, I don?t like to think too much about the final product, but rather enjoy every moment we spend in the course of creating that product. ?

Diogo Moreno (Ambassador)

?Creation, innovation and difference are ideals with which I closely associate, and when they were suggested to me the possibility of being able to contribute my music to the creation of content I thought would make perfect sense since Forall Phones is exactly that, creative, innovative and different from everything else. It's a pleasure to give a little of myself to these types of projects! ?

Mariana Pelicano (Ambassador)

?It has been an incredible experience for me to work with this team. I am responsible for the content of the ?Events of the Month? and ?What?s next? sections of the internal Newsletter and I confess that I am loving this challenge. The level of demand increases from edition to edition, which makes me increasingly professional.
Recently I also participated in one of the Forall Phones photo shoots, together with other influencers and ambassadors. It was a very exciting job and I believe the end result was also very good .
Forall Phones is more than a cell phone company, it's a family!?

You can see more testimonials from our ambassadors here: Forall Family< /a>

Remember, you are the one who builds your future!

Tania Arraiolos

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